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got turned down, need to counter this REPLY ASAP


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ok i tried to call this girl after school to ask her hang out with me, but she was going to a friends house and wasnt sure if it was ok for me to come, she'll call me back if it is. and so if she doesnt call me within 3 hours, ill text message her to see if she wants to go out to this sushi place she likes. or maybe i should call her for that but what if shes still at her friends house. so yea, need a quick response. cuz im gonna do this anyway if i dont get any and i might bug her but oh well, gotta take chances.

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to make a long story short, she first initiated it with me by trying to give me a call 4 weeks ago and gave me her cell number. we went to a few parties together, then it seems the last 2 weeks shes been putting me aside. i recently stumbled accross her web journal which wouldve been VERY useful 4 weeks ago. i was only mentioned once in her web journal, that was the day after the weekend we first hung out. i learned about all of her crushes, or feelings, what she likes, what she does, and her crush on a dude at work that isnt me.


i could so have the advantage if i could go on a date with her. and i would like to give that shot especially being my first date.

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If you want to learn a very important lession about women then call her. You will find out quick that you have messed up any chance that you might have had with this girl. What you need to do is go with another friend to her favorite sushi restaurant. Then the next time you see her say" I was gonna ask if you wanted to go but you never called me back".

This way you dont seem overly anxious and impulsive.

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triple posting i know, but it wont be easy for me to get over her. i saw we both have a lot of the same interests, she has a lot of things i like to see in a girl. and im afraid it wont be easy for me to get a girlfriend since ive never had one before. i know i still have my whole life ahead of me im 17. its just hard to give her up, i really want to just straight up ask her if she wants to go out for dinner 1 on 1, from all the times we hung out it was in a group setting. but like today i didnt really know what to say when she made up really long excuse like "bla bla bla bla ill call you back." and i was like "ok later."

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