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Life is not worth living with out her, how to win her back?

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I have been with this very special someone for about 7 years, and she has left me for about 1 1/2 how because she said that I didn't repect her and having too much fun drinking with my friends. I love this girl very much not one day gone by with out me thinking about her and it's hurt! I have done everything I can in the past six weeks, but she would not talk, or even have dinner with me for the last time. I think she might be seeing some one else right now, but because I love her so much and I will do what ever it takes so that she can love me again. Like I said I have tried every thing and don't know what else to do. Just the thought of her being touch or kiss by some one else put tears to my eyes and pain to my heart. Any one out there with any advice on how I can do to win her back and even if she doesn't come back at least I try. So Please any advice will be deeply appreciated. Thank you,



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  • 3 months later...

GARY......We are in somewhat similar situations....I was going out with my EX for two years and we live together....She is moving away for good in the next three weeks....I feel your pain...I have been broken up with my EX now for one month but I still see her often because wwe do live together......It is very hard and I know she is seeing someone else as well and I know it drives you insane.....The only thing that I have come to realize is that we cannot change the way someone feels only we can change the way we feel.... I want my EX back more than anything in this world because I love her dearly but we have to realize we dont need them to be happy..I know its hard to hear that and its hard for me to write it but we really dont...Real happieness comes from inside and we are in control of how we feel or not feel....What we both want is a DESIRE...we dont need them to be happy but we do desire them. I have started to realize with each day , I have to get this idea of "Winning her back" out of my head.. She is the only one that can decide if she comes back or not. All I can do is just tell her I love her and I am there for her...I m starting to believe that if our hearts are really meant to be then it WILL happen...Its like the old saying "If you love someone, set them FREE...If they come back to you then its MEANT TO BE...if not...they were never yours to begin with. I have to live by that...its my only way of keeping my sanity. Its very hard and I do feel your pain but we have to realize its THEIR CHOICE if they come back or not..we cannot make them....PLUS why make someone love you...you know your qualities and what makes you a good person well after time she might realize that too. I dont want to force someone to love me ...I want them to be with me because they TRULY DO LOVE ME... I dont know if any of this really helps but I do feel your pain.... I do have a post of my own , its called " How do you win the heart of your desire back! 2years" read it if you want ...you might be able to relate alittle...Well I hope everything gets better for ya and remember dont try to make her love you ....let her love you on her own!

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The only advice I have for you is to stop pursuing her and let her go. This means stop calling, stop emailing, and just cease all contact. You must give her time to miss you, and how can she do that if you are always trying to contact her? Although there is no guarantee that she will come back, you must take some time away from her to clear your mind and get your OWN life back on track. During this time, try to improve yourself in any way you can and try to understand what you did wrong in the relationship and change. If she doesn't come back, at least you are better prepared for your next relationship. Yes, this is easier said than done, but believe me, it gets easier with time. PURSUING your ex will not give you the results that you want. When you stop pursuing, they stop running... all the pressure is off of them and they can decide what they want on their own. Nothing you do or say will change their feelings. The harsh reality is women who decide to do the breaking up have been thinking about it long before it actually happens. Once a woman decides to break up, it's almost always for good. I know this because I have not seen many success stories out there where the woman would take her ex back. It's never happened with my friends who were dumped by their woman, and I'm a firm believer that 90% of the time, it's almost always for good. I'm sorry if this was a little harsh, but it's a reality that many men do not want to accept. The sooner you can accept it, the better off you will be. As BrokenHeart said, if it was meant to be, she will come back.

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  • 2 months later...

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