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New Straight Friend

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Hey guys,


Before I start I should mention that I'm gay. So I meet this guy from my job who worked there for seasonal. He's kind of new to the area. I think he's lived here since August of last year. He is very good looking(basically someone who could be a model), very masculine, and also kind of shy too. I got to train him on the cash registers, but we didn't really get to talk too much. But he was always nice, and would say hi, and ask me how I was doing. After the holidays were over he got let go, since he was just seasonal.


I had friended him on facebook a few months ago. Since then I was thinking about asking him if he'd like to hangout, but I always thought I would be wasting my time trying. But like a month ago I figured maybe I should just try, and I sent him a message on facebook and said something like "if you'd ever be up to hanging out sometime let me know". I never thought I would hear back from him, but that night he replied and said he'd be up to it sometime. I was pretty shocked. We hung out last weekend and went to the movies, and it went pretty well. I was nice and bought both of our movie tickets. Then we hung out again today and we went for a hike and then had lunch, and I think it went well again.


It's really awesome that I'm able to hangout with him. He's really my type and I wish I could be with him, but I'm pretty sure he's straight. So I'm not even going to try. This is kind of a new thing to me. For one, I haven't really had any good friends myself (outside of work) since moving to this area. Also, this is basically my first straight male friend I've had outside of work for quite some time. All my other friends outside of work are all gay guys. I'm pretty masculine for being gay I think. I'm not really into the gay scene that much. I like playing sports and hip-hop music. Some people can pick up that I'm gay right off the bat. I'm not sure if he knows or not. He might, and if he's read some of my facebook posts he would know for sure. I'm hoping that wouldn't bother him at all.


Like I said he's kind of shy, so a lot of the time when we hangout I have to keep the conversation going. I ask him a lot about himself, school, hobbies that kind of stuff. Sometimes I kind of feel bad cause I'm not straight, cuz I can't have those guy talk conversations about hot girls and all that. Also I'm not a partier or drinker, and I'm sure he likes to do that sometimes. I have never been the best with friends. I've had a couple who just stopped talking to me, and I never did anything wrong. I would really want this one to last. I enjoy hanging out with him, and he says he has fun too. He even sent me a message last week (the day after we hung out) and said "Hey that was fun last night. Thanks for hitting me up. Lets do it again sometime soon"


So what's a good way to keep this friendship going? What kinds of things do you guys do with your good friends? Like I said I'm not a drinker of partier, so any other fun ideas? And what are good things to talk about after you get to know someone? Would love to hear your advice! Thanks~

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I'm straight. I don't party or drink either. As for my friends and I, well we just hang out, go to the movies. Just regular stuff really. Not like all we talk about are girls. Actually, we barely talk about them, and we're all straight.



Just be yourself, do what you would normally do. I wouldn't care if I found out one of my friends was gay, it's not like it's a choice so hopefully if this guy is straight and finds out you're gay, he's a good enough guy to not let it bother him.

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