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What can I do to get my mom to sympathize or get off my back?

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Hello all,


Since December I've been on anti-depressants. Every time I go to the doctor my mom always attacks me. She hates the fact I'm on them..

First time I went to the Dr. and SHE (the Dr.) suggested I take meds w/o me saying a thing about it, my mom insulted me and went off on me when we left the clinic.

They had me see a therapist at the place and every time I'd worry my mom would talk s***. She talks a lot of crap because she blames my illnesses and ''depression'' (which I feel she finds pathetic) on my bf. Yes, he is a huge factor, but she is TOO.


I've also seen another therapist at the church but I've had to keep it hush, hush, just to make sure my mom wouldn't start talking mess.

But moms always know things.....so that was a fail.



Second time I went to the clinic for a follow up, Dr. upped the dosage. Mom found out and she went off on me, AGAIN, and yelled "IF YOU START SEEING S*** LIKE YOUR SISTER DON'T COME CRYING TO ME!" Apparently, some years ago, my sister had hallucination and freaked the F out. But then again, no offense, but my sister is a wussy.

In the hospital, I was so incredibly weak, starving, and ill... not to mention drugged up on morphine, Vicodin, and other narcotics that I had SERIOUS hallucinations, however, even though they made me nauseous and vomit, I didn't cry about it because I knew it wasn't real. I think I could handle myself in any case.


Now I'm going to be going back eventually to up the dosage because I'm feeling like all mighty hell, restless, irritable, sleepy 24/7, not hungry, ect...... and the doctor will up the dosage. My worry is having to hear my mother yell at me/nag me/b**** at me again over it.


I feel she's a bully, to be honest (when it comes to this and other things) and I don't understand why she isn't caring or nurturing toward me like I think she was with my sister....... and if she doesn't want to be, fine IDC I've lived my life without emotional support, no biggy, but at least get off my back. She needs to understand that her crap is seriously NOT helping me at all...... but she either doesn't care or doesn't get it.

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Can you not tell her you are going to the doc and getting medication?


I think if you don't bring it up or just keep quiet about it, then your mom doesn't have anything to complain about.


Why is she so against medications?


She's my ride

The clinic is super far, she wouldn't let me tell my ex bf or someone else to take me

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