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hey guys,


just a quick question..how many of you guys have been going through a break up and you keep the NC going for quite a while....and you feel good during the week..and then you suddenly feel like crap?? as for me..i was doing soo well this week..and now today (saturday) i feel so depressed!! every song on the damn radio makes me sad....even if has nothing to do with my ex..and me being in a small town....that doesnt really have much of anything to do..i can honestly say my time isnt being as occupied as i would like it to be.....


esp. for those who was in a pretty harsh break up..how long did it take for you guys...to not have this up and down feeling??? what did you guys do when you suddenly had that "depressed" feeling?...i myself drove all the way to work to get on this site...since i dont have internet at my house!...i just need some feedback to those that are kind enough to share them....thanks guys

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I broke it off with my girlfriend about 2 weeks ago... For the past two week I was the happiest guy ever! I was so happy to be single, well, I still am happy to be single... I feel like I have so much freedom.


Anyways, recently i've been feeling a bit lonely... Probably moreso because my friends haven't been around but, to me... I need my friends to fill the void of lonliness.


I am over my girlfriend, it didn't take long at all. I guess its just different for people.


If you're feeling crappy and depressed, hang out with your friends... To me, that seems like the best solution...




lol Hope that kinda... sorta... helps - ST

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I feel what you're going through...My ex broke up with me 2 months ago, but I didn't have to deal with seeing him daily until 2 weeks ago. I tried the friends thing, didn't really work because he was really distant and cold. So then I tried the NC...and I was pretty happy for the end part of the week...but the weekends are horrible. To make matters worse, he calls me today...and I don't know whether or not I should return the call. My advice would be really to find friends to go do something with...I know that is the most obvious solution but just don't mope around in missing your ex...the hardest part was starting the NC...just keep it up if it makes you happy (meaning that, like in my case, it was worse to be in communication since he treated me more like an aquaintance after all that we had been through...)

Hope this helps somewhat.

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I know we all keep hearing this, but it does get better. Sure, we're going to have little "waves" of sadness and loneliness, but they will be fewer and farther between. Once we are completely healed, we may still have an occasional moment of regret about something that happened in the relationship, but it doesn't effect us like it used to, and we are able to handle that moment more objectively.


I haven't talked to my ex in almost two months. I know we'll never talk again. I've learned a lot about why I chose someone like him, why it was impossible for it to work out, etc., etc. I still think about him a lot, but not with the same feeling of pain as before. I honestly believe I am better off without him because he could not / would not give me what I ultimately need in a committed relationship. And I'm not stuck in a relationship where I am frequently unhappy and dissatisfied. I'm in a much better place than I was before, and I also am stronger and more assured about dating.


As painful as the healing process is, it's also an invaluable time of learning, self-awareness, and making important decisions about where we want to go next in our personal (and even professional) lives.

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It has only been a month too late but it is killing me inside. Knowing my ex will never call me again I will never know if he truly loved me as he is doing his best to forget me completely successfully.


It hurts people. Believe me it truly hurts.


yea i know your feeling...just hang in there..your at the right place...i must say this site has helped me alot...your not alone..

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I broke up with my ex-boyfriend in the middle of June 2004. I ended it to save us both because he was becoming verbably abusive after the break up I was drifting into madness. In other words I was insane, such as throwing objects accross the room, isolation, seclusion, having a philosophy of a misanthropist (hatred towards men), whispering to myself at a corner such as "He said he loves...he said it was faith..." and then if I'm having a very sad feeling or a very painful one then I would throw myself down the stairs. The stimuli of the pain makes every bad memories go away. I still throw myself down the stairs. I have a lot of hematomas and a few bruises right now. I know he would never call again and I love him too much...its just hard.

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