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Broke up, did we get back together?


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Dated for six weeks, things got a big hectic as my mom did not accept him because he has tattoos, is blue collar, has three kids from two different marriages. We broke up because my mom was against the relationship. Finally, after all of the torment he said, wouldn't it be better if we just told your mom we broke up but stayed together. I talked to my sister about it and I decided I could not live a lie, and broke up a week ago. I had a hard time getting over the break up as I still missed him and wanted to be with him and not lose him.


Yesterday I called him and said that I wanted to get back together.


We talked and talked and I told him how sorry I was and how I wanted him to forgive me. That he inspired me and that I felt bad for what happened. He said that he does not know if we could get back together because of the way I just dropped him like a hot potato and did not stand up for him to my mom.

we talked and talked and talked. He said he forgave me. He said he wanted to get to know me better, and I said the same about him.


When I left we both came in for a kiss. Does that mean we are back together but this time we are taking it slow? I would usually send him like 10 texts by now but now it does not feel right because i don't know if we are actually back together or still in the getting to know you again and moving slowly phase.


now what?

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He said that he does not know if we could get back together

He said he wanted to get to know me better.


You are not back together --- you are simply forgiven for you inability to stand up to your mother.


Move slowly. Prove you can stand up for him and be supportive.

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He sent me a text on Friday:

"It was nice to see you again, good luck on work today!!


I wrote back

"oh christon! It was so nice to see you again too, I am happy about that! I'm on a 5 min break at work.: )"


Then called him after work and thanked him for the message. He said he would call me after work on Friday, have not heard from him since.


Was my reply message too too much?


I wonder why he has not called, are we on a road to getting back together based on his message?


I am strict NC, its been since Friday, I just saw him signed on on Facebook and it sent butterflies down my back.


Should I contact him again? Or should I wait for him to contact me again?


thanks x

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you must just leave this ...he was the one who said he would call , he hasn't ..anything you do now will be chasing him and

will seem desperate ..


it seems like along time to you but its only two days ..you have to give someone the chance to miss you ..I am not saying never call again ...but just not now or tomorrow as you said in the other thread .


its only fear that is making you want to contact him ..fear of it been over ...just hang in there and see what happens.

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You texted and called him about a relatively meaningless text. You need to stop that ----it is way overboard.


His message said it was nice to see you, have a good day. That does not translate in any way, shape or form to "I want to get back together." You need to let him come to you --- and if he sends a message that doesn't need a reply, then don't.

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I agree with the advice from the others.


Don't read too much into the text.


It's hard, but back off a little bit, maybe even be a little mysterious. If he is interested, you'll hear from him again. Just make sure you keep the responses light-hearted when you do reply. And not too many responses.


Give him the chance to miss you and think about you.


You can do this.

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