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How do I get closer to this girl?


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Right now I'm a freshman in college (2nd semester) and I'm taking a class with this girl (also a freshman) I've been interested in since school began. I honestly don't know her that well but from the few occasions I've talked 1 on 1 with her she was really sweet and seems to have a lot of the same values I have (we're also the same major and field). From the little I know I think she is really awesome. The problem is I feel like the universe has some timer counting down until the moment we part ways and I never see her again. Every time I see her I say hello but I suck at being social and relationships in general (never had a girlfriend) so we are little more than acquaintances, even though I also had a class with her last semester. Also, for some reason we're randomly seeing each other around campus 10x more than last semester, but when we passed by each other yesterday (alone) she just gave me a little cool wave when I said whats up (she usually at least smiles). I thought it might have been just a bad day or something (I also was wearing headphones) but today when she recognized me from a little longer distance she looked away quickly and went up some stairs. It made me laugh but still hurt (just a little) because I really value her friendship. I want to be much better friends with this girl but I'm not really sure how to move our little relationship forward. Please help.

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Haha you're so innocent and shy.


If you are actually too much of an introvert to tell her you're interested face to face, add her on fb, text her, that's the way shy people go, be funny, express your interest and that might work.


There really is no special advice for you, but if it's your first relationship, I'll say : tread lightly!


Good luck man.

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@Patrick - I want to get to know her better. Maybe I'm not giving the situation justice but I barely know this girl. I don't think it would go over well if I randomly suggested we do something sometime. My whole interaction with her for this semester has been in greetings. I really don't want to scare her off. Thanks and I'll think about it but I really don't think it would be a good idea to just randomly tell her I'm interested.

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You may want to consider a direct approach and just ask her when she is free from class to meet for lunch. Activities and interests that you have in common are good ice breakers to talk about. Always be yourself and SMILE. Most people want to be with happy people that make them smile as well. We more toward comfort and away from pain. Also, although you are shy, try to be confident.

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Confession time: I've actually creeped out a girl (I was way over the line) and probably a few others in high school. Nothing really serious but after the reprocussions of all that and thinking back to how creepy I was I get super cautious.


Thanks for the advice - I'll see how tomorrow goes.


@Patrick I laughed how you called me innocent then changed your avatar from the heart on the beach to that. Funny coincidence (not sarcasm).

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Even if you dont KNOW her, a casual date is how you get to know her. "Perhaps we can go get a bite to eat when you are done with class." Shows that you ARE interested. You are allowed to be. You are only human.


Yep, keep it casual and try to be fun. Don't be too forthright at this stage, it will scare her off.

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