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depression and physical space


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this post may seem a bit cliche.. but hey, they exist for a reason. so goes the familiar saying, "clean space, clear mind" or something of that sort. anyway. i often struggle with depression and lack of motivation. I know I have some deep issues to sort out which will take months or years of work, but that doesn't mean I'm ignoring the present or the space around me. all this is to say I'm a pretty messy person by nature, usually too lazy to clean.. but i just vacuumed and cleaned my room and I feel a fair bit more motivated. not necessarily 'happier', but clearer-minded, more able to think and do. which depression can obviously put a damper on. so just throwing it out there for any of you fellow people in pain (who are also living in a mess) - this is a tool that as much as I have laughed at or trivialized in the past, makes quite the impact. -also space is important, not to be cluttered and cramped in. physical space has a strong impact even if it is partially unconscious


one last tidbit: this song is beautiful.. listen to it when you're feeling blue and it will put you in a very nice headspace



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I totally feel you, I'm pretty sure my (undiagnosed) depression nearly cause me to flunk out of college a year ago. Depression almost really screwed up my life, as I wasn't motivated to do ANY school work.


And like buddha I really have to set goals or I find myself procrastinating, not getting things done.


Also that's a FANTASTIC song, I love Massive Attack. Here's another gem of there's:

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Just commented on an earlier post of yours, atrium. But yeah - depression is quite the beast. Like a monster who lives in your closet, always threatening to poke his head out. Lack of motivation is a massive bummer. But depression's also about exploring yourself, as I am starting to find. It's easy to be influenced by Western medicine and psychology, and immediately believe you just need to take medication for your 'chemical disorder'. i mean yes, of course a depressed person's brain chemistry is different than someone who is not, but it doesn't mean it's just like that for no reason. I've recently started exploring that steaming mess buried in my unconscious .. it's a quest well worth embarking on if you want to change the way you see the world.


- ah unfinished sympathy. i like that song, but it doesn't get me the way teardrop does. i find massive attack has a lot of mediocre songs, and a few killer ones.

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