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I wonder if he ever thinks about me? I wonder if he is sad? ugggh

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7 weeks ago we broke up, 7 weeks of NC (he changed his number). The breakup fight was pretty bitter and I said some harsh things. I was honest in what I said and i didn't yell, but he didn't like hearing it.


throughout our relationship, i was an amazing gf. his 2 kids loved me and i loved them. i was a very supportive gf who was always doing thoughtful things for all of them. I kind of became a doormat.


he doesn't have many friends and all of his relationships ended bitterly. he is not good at holding any form of a relationship. but the women LOVE HIM. I wonder if he has moved on. in all honesty, i doubt he will find anyone as great as me. not too many women are willing to take on a man who has 2 kids by 2 different women unless it's casual.


But I wonder:

does he think of me with good memories? or if his memories are only of our BU fight.

I wonder if he misses me?

I wonder how often he thinks of me?

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Ummm. I did the official breakoff. But he quickly called me back to announce "stay away from me and my kids" after I said what I said.


He was very hurt by what I said during my breakup. However, i broke up with him because he was being very rude and inconsiderate to me for a very long time. I put up with a lot for a long time, but the night of the breakup, I just had it.

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How long did you two date?


I cant speak for him or you, but im sure there is times that he misses you. You were a big part of his life while you were together, and ewven though there has been NC that could be because that is how he is getting over the relationship. Hope this helps you feel better (:

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No, I don't want him back unless he went to some counseling by himself and then couples counseling with me. We were together 18 months and despite the problems, and boy did we have some, I just miss his presence - his smile, his laugh, his touch, his kisses.


Why do I care if he misses me? I guess it will solidify....well....I don't know why. Hmmm. I like to think that he will realize what he had and how great I was. I dunno.

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Well yeah I understand...but at least you got a date even tho you think you're not ready.

I got jumped 5weeks ago...still depress, still think would she thinks about me, would she wants me back....but idk...life must go on so...

just go out, knowing new guys, as what you said, you deserve better: )

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