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I've not been on ENT for a while, in Sept/Oct i sank into a very deep depression. After my break up with my ex bf. We had been on/off and


Day before New Years Eve something snapped in me and i thought 2012 new year new start. Ive not been too bad, lifes getting better, socialising, organising my life, work, education etc. Taking the bad days a long with the good.


The problem i am facing is accepting that its over and letting go of the hope that he will get in touch.


How do i get past that?

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One day at a time that's all you can do. What I did isn't I did focus on the long term aspects of it I focused on today, one minute, one hour at a time. Eventually if you do that you create ways on how to get past those moments where you want to reach out or think that things will work out. You are starting to do the right thing by focusing on you, remember you must do what's right for you not a relationship that you aren't in. You can do it, I have total faith! Just remember one minute, one hour, one day at a time!!!

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Have you googled 'thought stopping'? It is a very useful technique to get you stopping thinking about an ex and free yourself from obsession/depression about the person. If you can stop him 'haunting' your brain, you will be free to start enjoying your life. You have to get your brain to adjust to the fact that he is part of your past and not your present, but that is hard to do because even if he is not literally around to remind you, if you keep thinking about him constantly he is alive in your mind and you need to put him to rest there rather than giving him active 'real estate' in your brain. You need to push him out of your thoughts and not keep him alive there. Thought stopping can help do that.

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