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There really aren't that many fish in the sea.....

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Sometimes i hate when people say "move on there are more fish in the sea", well honestly there arent, its so hard to find a good person these days, theres a lot of jerks out there , and well some just dont really care who they hurt.


I don't know, i guess thats how i feel about things sometimes,someone breaks up with you and just as you think you'd find better, you find worst, worst then before. I am not sure if i can love a lot of people, i always wanted to love one person. When my ex broke up me i felt bad because we had some good times together and connected so well, everything was so intense and wonderful, that just made me feel very happy, i mean even if things didnt work out, i am still grateful for everything, why would i need to settle for something else if this person made me feel complete. why would i need to move on? Maybe because i felt lonely and needed someone in my life, well seriously i dont really need anyone else, i think i could actually grow old alone for the rest of my life and still be happy left with those memories good or bad. lol


I seriously dont mind being alone.

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I agree, there are some great fish/sealife to be had, but finding the thing that jives for you is a tough one. I've gone on a LOT of dates (off ye olde internet) and some of the guys have been great-nice people, not bad looking, etc...but doesn't feel quite right. There is some degree of openness that you must have, and if you're still on some level pining for your ex, then no one can measure up.


Try and expand your circle, do something, anything, that will allow you to meet people who share your common interests. You will most likely not meet THE ONE that night, but you might meet a friend, who has a friend, and she told two friends...etc...That's usually how it works, or so I tell myself.


Best o' luck!

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It has always been hard for me to accept a new person into my life because I always seem to have a lot of things going on, what with school and all. I couldn't seem to sustain any sort of relationship until I met the current person I have been seeing for over a year now, and I'm 24!! and he's 27!! Imagine that!


So I say patience is key.


Also, do you find yourself comparing the new girls you meet to your exgf? Maybe that's the problem...

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I agree with everyone else, there are plenty of fish in the sea, but not many of them are compatabe. Also Ellie has a good point, if you're still comparing new people you meet to your ex, you're not going to see potential in anybody, because nobody ever will be exactly like your ex. I think its important to realize that because everybody is different, you'll be compatable on different levels with everone you meet. This means that in the future you will definitely meet people who you are not very comatable with, but it also means that you will probobly meet people you are very compatable with, possibly even more so than you and your ex were. So just worry about yourself for now, once you start feeling good about yourself, good things will start to happen.


Best of luck to you,


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The problem I've found is that all the truly good women already have boyfriends and I find so many single girls that lack what I want in any relationship, let alone a long term romantic one. There's usually a reason they haven't had a long term boyfriend.


Every now and then, after being single for a couple months, when I move on by myself and don't worry about finding a girl, or don't try to find a girl, that's when I bump into the 1 in 1000 that turns out to be a long term relationship. Right now I'm in the biggest gap as I haven't had a girlfriend in 6 months, just little flings here and there that lack substance...

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I always say in response to people who say that line (I HATE that line, I feel it undermines your feelings, and "true love" as well) something along the line of the following:


"That may be so, but there is only one (or there are very few) right now I am wanting to share my fishbowl WITH"

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I cant say that being pessimistic is a bad thing cuz i dont believe it is. In this case I believe that you are making an accurate statement. It may seem that arent other fish in the sea but I believe thats cuz you pool is too small. Too many people limit their options by staying in their own comfort zones (this means that your pool will never be large). Explore other options, you have to get out and meet people. There are great people out there but they arent necessarily going to come to you. Finding your ideal significant other shouldnt be easy because it is a process of elimination, there are certain people out there that you will get along with and will be a good match with you. Unlike the typical female mentality you cant just sit back and wait for guys to come to you. Playing the shy card is over done and immature. Take your time and be patient, you will always have the memories of past relationships but they shouldnt keep you from moving forward because its not emotionally healthy and your not growing as a person.

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