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Slanted Forehead :(


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From the front I look like I have a normal forehead...but from the side it's pretty obvious and it stands out. I just found a picture of me reminding me about this and I'm really getting kind of down about it.


Is this a pretty big deal breaker? I would assume why a girl would be embarrassed if someone thought we were an item. I STAND out...





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Why are you picking yourself apart again? I can't really see the photo that well because it is tiny, but based on just that, I don't see where you have an abnormally slanted forehead. It's not a dealbreaker - some people have a slight slant to their forehead and some don't. It doesn't mean anything at all. its like saying girls won't date you because you have a certain eye color.

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Your self-esteem is very low. Your forehead doesn't look abnormal.


Accept who you are, and embrace it. You can do that and be happy, or keep finding "flaws" about yourself and forever dwell on that.


Life is good. Who gives a crap what other people thinks?


To be honest, out of my friends, the ones who have gorgeous girlfriends aren't the ones who look the best, nor are they the ones who care about how other people perceive them.


If you think you're sexy, then you are.


Live life.

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Yup, you have a slanted forehead I guess. If I saw you walking on the street, I wouldn't even notice or care. Everyone has got some sort of flaw. Who cares man. People come in all shapes and sizes.


Live your life. If you get cancer tomorrow, you won't give a * * * * about your forehead.

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Be happy man. Embrace what you have!! It doesnt look abnormal to me anyways. We have our own differences which made us unique among anyone else. There's no good being so insecure it will just consume you and make you prematurely old.=). STAND UP and be proud of what you have^^

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I don't see a flaw in your forehead at all.


Also the forehead is the last feature a women looks at, unless she has some issues she's dealing with on her own forehead and has to inspect every detail in everyone else forehead for comparison.


When I looked at your picture I was trying to find what you considered was the slanted forehead, from the title of this thread I expected to see an extreme slant and I didn't see it.

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I guess thanks for the encouragement...maybe the picture doesn't tell the truth.


Remember, I only have stated my flaws when enough people make fun of me about it.


Many people have expressed their opinions about it. If my "friends" have cracked jokes about it, I can't even imagine what a total stranger thinks.


They call me the "missing link", "you woud've be perfect for that caveman commercial!", or the classic "dude? where's your forehead?"


Maybe it's not my slanted forehead, but there is some obvious reason why people have always said things about it.


THANK you for the woman part though. Majority of these comments have been from GUYS. If girls don't put too much thought of it then I feel better. I'm 30 years old and I'm waiting for the day for a woman to say she is attracted to me.


And honestly, I have posted in threads about relationships...and what I want...but that's the bottom line. These words: "I am in love with you.". It could be some girl that I don't like at all...but at least I would have gotten those words. I would love to have a stalker. I just want a woman to want me and not use me for her attention problems.

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> Buy fedora

> Wear jauntily tilted toward the front

> Realise that your only real problem is confidence (you shouldn't be waiting for girls, but rather going and starting something off your own bat)


Seriously dude, I know guys with foreheads like I'm pretty sure yours is, and as long as you don't have a massive underbite or your hair pulled back into a short ponytail parallel with said slope, you've really got nothing to worry about. You seem to have a strong enough jaw, and your hair's clearly not that way inclined, so just work on your confidence.

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People only crack jokes because they don't have enough respect for you. Having such a low self-esteem doesn't help.


You sound very desperate. As if you would jump into a relationship with any woman if given the chance. That's not good either.


The only true validation you will fully accept comes from yourself. A person who feels confident wouldn't care what other people thinks. A person who lacks self-esteem would be crushed by criticisms, or would only enjoy a short moment of confidence when praised.

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You sound very desperate. As if you would jump into a relationship with any woman if given the chance. That's not good either.


Why does everyone think I'm desperate because I would LOVE to get in a relationship? Yes! I am going to jump on the chance! The chance hasn't come yet!!!


I don't have any experience! I've never been in one! I missed out in middle school, missed out in college, currently/apparently missing out on post-college.


If you never had a car and you've have always wanted to learn to drive...would you PASS on the first chance given if the opportunity came up? Either learning how to drive or actually owning it?

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A person who feels confident wouldn't care what other people thinks.


Feels confident in WHAT? My looks? Yes. Much of everything else, NO. So, are you saying that women base Confidence on just looks? Seems pretty shallow to me.


People * * * * * about me because they disapprove about something. When I don't listen..they * * * * * even more. I can't not caring about what other people think, when all they want to do is tell me something I'm doing wrong.


I would buy a new pair of shoes. I always wear them. Apparently other people don't approve them. I don't care...and they think I don't care about myself. Don't you think that's bizarre?

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Why does everyone think I'm desperate because I would LOVE to get in a relationship? Yes! I am going to jump on the chance! The chance hasn't come yet!!!


I don't have any experience! I've never been in one! I missed out in middle school, missed out in college, currently/apparently missing out on post-college.


If you never had a car and you've have always wanted to learn to drive...would you PASS on the first chance given if the opportunity came up? Either learning how to drive or actually owning it?


Feels confident in WHAT? My looks? Yes. Much of everything else, NO. So, are you saying that women base Confidence on just looks? Seems pretty shallow to me.


People * * * * * about me because they disapprove about something. When I don't listen..they * * * * * even more. I can't not caring about what other people think, when all they want to do is tell me something I'm doing wrong.


I would buy a new pair of shoes. I always wear them. Apparently other people don't approve them. I don't care...and they think I don't care about myself. Don't you think that's bizarre?


Get plastic surgery. That's your only way.

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Get plastic surgery. That's your only way.


I say this because at the end of the day, you've already made up your mind that you are horrible looking. And to be honest, I don't think you're too good looking either. But hey, for every Brad Pitt, there is someone at the opposite end of the scale.


I know it's hard being in your position. I'm planning on getting a few moles removed myself because I know that's the only way my own self-esteem could improve. What I'm not doing is coming here and posting up numerous threads asking "Do I look ugly?" or asking for validation anywhere else.

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That picture is really unflattering. Really Crappy lighting, it's red, take a look at the girl in the back too, she looks like a ghoul. Destroy the picture. Your forehead is slanted cause you've got your head up.

We've all got really unflattering pictures. Girls are the most self-conscious about them, especially the ones on facebook, they'll be like "ew delete that!" Truth is, some pictures suck. Some cameras suck. Some people just suck at taking pictures.


Why don't you record a video of yourself. Set up a tripod and video camera, walk around and look up down left right, pause, pivot, turn, mess around, and play it to yourself and see what you think you should work on? I actually do this and it helps a lot.

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I knew a guy a bit like you. He was funny and good personality but hadn't ever had sex or had a gf. That went on for ages, years in fact, but one day he met someone and they clicked. They ended up getting married.. Quite a few years later, I hear they are still together and happy. That's a happy story isn't it?

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Either you need new friends who are more mature and don't act like 14 year old boys or you need to stop picking yourself apart. When you are self conscious about your barely existent forehead slant or whatever, people can tell. You come off as less than confidant, or even defiant or disbelieving when someone pays your a compliment or takes any interest in trying to meet you because your inner dialogue is "who could fall in love with someone who looks like me?"


btw, i clicked on your profile and you have another photo. I quite frankly find it really rediculous that you are talking about your forehead slant - i mean....that's barely anything even measurable IMHO - your forehead looks like half the guys out there.


You want to find some flaw and refuse to think that not meeting women could be about where you are meeting them and how or how you react to them or where you are at mentally. You want to find the "magical one reason" that has nothing to do with your personality or dating style.

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Have you told your family they hurt you with their comments?


If you are that bothered about it, why not grow your bangs out? Have longer hair to hide it.


But I think you are too paranoid and the more you stare at it and pick it apart, the worse it will seem. People have different shaped faces. If we all looked the same the world would be boring. Some people have long faces, some people have round faces, some people have square faces. Get used to it. No woman will notice it or care about it.

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Oh gawd... I just checked out your profile picture... You don't have a slanted forehead. It's head-shaped. Heads look like that. Your only problem is low self-esteem and unsupportive/damaging friends and family.


What Generation said, only not so much for the weight-loss, but just the endorphins and extra energy it brings.

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