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One year. Wanted to say thanks to everyone.

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It's been a year since my bu and I would like to thank everyone on here for their wisdom, kindness, understand and support. I've learned a lot about myself this last year, it was one hellof a bu and I came out of it a much stronger person both physically and mentally. My life is heading in a totally different direction than it was a year ago. I took the GRE in Oct and pretty much aced it, so going to grad school this coming fall 2012 (hopefully the world will still be around after Dec 2012 Going into a field that I love and really can't wait to go back to school.


I can say that I rarely think of my ex and when I do it's fond memories of the good times we had. The bu happened and looking back it was a blessing in disguise. I wouldn't be heading in the direction I'm going now if it didn't happen. Does the ex still try to get a hold of me? Yes, every few weeks or so he'll call or txt. I just ignore and delete the messages (don't even read or listen to them). It doesn't bother me, it feels more like a telemarketer trying to get a hold of you. Am I dating? Nope. I'm happy where I'm at and enjoy being single. Honestly, I love the freedom being single provides one.


For those of you in the early stages of bu, best advice I can give you is be kind to yourself, do things that are positive for you and your life and for gods sake if you can go NC do it ASAP. You'll make it through and trust me on this one...you'll come out a much stronger person than before.


Thanks again to everyone here.

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Yay, thanks for posting this. My most devastating break up was around 3 years ago. I look at myself now and I remember myself then and say "wow! what was I thinking? What was I doing?" Over the years I basically left every bad habit which spewed from that relationship behind.


It actually started with quitting smoking (cigarettes). I quit over 2 years ago and haven't gone back. I am also finishing up my high school which I dropped out of during that relationship. I'm only a few more months till getting my diploma finally.


If I had stayed with him I would have never went back to school. I would probably be smoking with him still (since he introduced me to it). I'd be nowhere. I'd possibly be dead since he was into drugs and got himself into fights all the time and hung around weirdos. I might have become pregnant with him (God forbid). I probably would have been an emotional wreck from him cheating.


I'm so glad to be single. I feel like I have a chance at a normal life now. Today, I look a lot better than I did back then. I'm working on school everyday. Have no addictions or bad habits. I love to ride my bike everyday out to the lake to do photography and feed the ducks I have tons of time for my family now too (since I used to follow him everywhere from city to city as he looked for drugs!)


Love is blind. That's what I learned out of that relationship. I was the one blind.


Thanks for posting this. I am completely over my ex now, and it's good to remember that I am.

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Dear Calisurfer, it gives me hope to see you as an example of person who was healed and became a better herself. It's good to know there is hope for healing. Some of us are living in the dark thoughts of sadness but when I saw your poster I thought that there's light after so many darkness.


I hope you will be happy in your life. Thank you for sharing this poster with us.


Have a nice lifetime.

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