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Based on these texts, would you say it's over for good?


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So I've been in LC (for financial reasons) with my ex who broke up with me about 2 months ago.


Reasons for the break-up:


1) I cheated and tried to lie about it, she "forgave" me but then checked out of the relationship


2) Her coworker was giving her all the attention that I had failed to maintain in the latter stages and she couldn't trust herself not to hook up with him


After the breakup I tried to show contrition and hung around for too long, realize now that I came off as a creep.


Throughout our brief texting she has said the following things:


Her: Its ok to show convey emotions (my name). I hope one day you truly understand that. If you didn't bottle everything up we would've had a more intimate relationship and you wouldn't have acted so weird at the end of things.


Her: I'm just disappointed at the way things turned out in general. I just hope that you are happy.


Her: You may not believe it but I wish you luck. I may have to move eventually as well (she always leaves out periods when she wants me to respond back, I didn't respond to this one)


Is there any sense in reading in to this a possible desire to reconnect down the road? Or has she truly moved on?


Mainly looking for female insight. As you can see, I'm having a hard time letting this one go.

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