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Getting back together. Why it's always possible.


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Hi honey, I'm leaving you because somehow, you just aren't the person for me. I know you tried your best but I'm off to explore greener pastures. You were either too poor or lazy or unambitious or too fat or boring or I don't know, it had to be something. I may or may not have someone already lined up but that shouldn't concern you.


I'd LOVE to be friends with you. Just let me get settled in my new life first. And if the new person doesn't work out, I'll be sure and call you for moral support. No, that doesn't mean I want you back, but i do appreciate you lending me a shoulder to cry on.


Wait a second, I'm feeling horny, want to hook up tonight. No, it's meaningless but I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


Oh for the love of god, stop pestering me about US. I'm doing my best to be polite but you are really starting to annoy me. Go away for a while now but be on standby just in case I need someone.


Flowers on my birthday, you shouldn't have. NO I MEAN IT, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE. And why are you showing up at places I frequent. What are you a stalker now.


Now listen love, I'm not saying we can't be a couple again, It just can't be now. Why you ask? Well, I'm off to try and find a better looking, richer, more motivated, more interesting person. I may actually try a few new people on for size. What's that? Will I sleep with them. Oh hun, of course i will. But thats OK right?


And you'll be waiting for me right? Even if it takes years and me going through a whole host of different people to try and make myself happy. And why will you take me back even though I dumped you and slept with half of New York City? Because I'm your soul mate and we were meannt to be. At least thats what you believe and who am I to disillusion you? See you soon. Or not.

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roscoe, i love the extremely grounded advice you give on here but when you create threads like this you only come accross as bitter. i'm less than half your age and have been dealing with my first heartbreak for the past 6 months. i really appreciate having relationship veterans like you around!


no need to be facetious.

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I actually find this post very interesting whatever the case. You described to the T someone I knew for a very short time lol. Its a hard pill to swallow any time you find yourself in this type of situation but usually we all know what the deal is. Whether or not you walk away is a choice. Soooooo many people go through this its amazing.

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This is a real scenario, probably more often than not, I know i am guilty of doing this to girls i once dated. Though, its not every scenario after a break up, though I have always approached every break up this way except for a few. I used to tell my friend that when it comes to questionable behavior with a girl I am dating, or an ex who tries to come back, i dont mind being wrong in my accusations, I owe them nothing.

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Sounds like my ex, unfortunately.


You're right, Eocsor, that many people posting for advice on the GBT forum haven't yet got the green light from their ex that s/he wants to get back together. Without the green light, people should be focused on their "Healing After ... "





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Sounds like my ex, unfortunately.


You're right, Eocsor, that many people posting for advice on the GBT forum haven't yet got the green light from their ex that s/he wants to get back together. Without the green light, people should be focused on their "Healing After ... "






agree very much, get on with the healing until you can proceed to ask for advice on getting back together with someone who wants to get back together, else this forum can fill you with hope and illusions that probably wont work out

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Great post bud, I actually laughed a hell of a lot during this as it's so true. If you go through certain parts of this forum then it's exactly what a lot of people are doing - waiting for their ex to come back when they should be putting their head up and moving forward with their own lives.



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this was a good laugh. I didn't find it bitter at all. What I did find it to be was enlightening. When you stick around to be there for someone who just wants you to show up when they need you, you are allowing them to take advantage of you. Have some self-respect and stop sticking around in a one sided relationship.

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roscoe, i love the extremely grounded advice you give on here but when you create threads like this you only come accross as bitter. i'm less than half your age and have been dealing with my first heartbreak for the past 6 months. i really appreciate having relationship veterans like you around!


no need to be facetious.


Thats too big a word for me, you'll have to dumb it down. And I don't think this is bitter or jaded at all. I think this is reality for the majority of people that have been dumped and are waiting for their ex to come back. People will take any crap from another person when they have been dumped and still have the love goggles on. It's pathetic and depressing how much garbage people will take for the "love of their life" who's left them to seek out another, more suited person.

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Thats too big a word for me, you'll have to dumb it down. And I don't think this is bitter or jaded at all. I think this is reality for the majority of people that have been dumped and are waiting for their ex to come back. People will take any crap from another person when they have been dumped and still have the love goggles on. It's pathetic and depressing how much garbage people will take for the "love of their life" who's left them to seek out another, more suited person.


well that's the truth. it's amazing what people are willing to put up with in the name of 'love'.


although...at that point...it's not love at all. it's an obsession.


take back the jaded comment. wasn't feeling your vibe in the original post.

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