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Am I overreacting?


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My best friend got mad at me because I cropped her baby out of my facebook profile picture. LOL! I cropped the baby because it's a good picture of me and I got tired of people I rarely talk to congratulating me on MY baby (I don't have children)... LOL!


When you crop someone, it becomes a new picture. It means nothing.


PS: I can still hear her. "You cropped my baby!!". hehe.... this post makes me giggle.

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On one hand, It may be that she likes the photo of her.


One the other, I think it's insensitive of her to use that photo. Although she probably hasn't given it too much thought.


Most people have tons of photos to choose from so she doesnt have to use that one. A lot of people also choose a photo that invokes a memory of when the photo was taken. These are probably the reasons why it bothers you. But you don't know what she was thinking, just what your expectations are.


So, no I don't think you're wrong to be upset. But livid Might be a bit much.


I think the fact that you're angry about this shouldn't be ignored. But I think you should wait until the anger passes and then think more objectively about whether you should do something. At that point, you might tell her it upsets you that it's a crop of a photo with her ex. And leave it her whether she chooses to change it. But in the end, you can't control other people.

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Haha, I did that once to my nephew actually and my brother had a little dig at me. I'd forgotten about it completely until you said that.


I still can't help but be a little peeved at her for it, it'd be ok but I can still see an arm and all I can think when I look at my facebook is 'in a relationship with her ex's right arm touching her leg'. I just don't think I'd ever do that, not without thinking twice about it. Maybe thats just me.


I think the fact that you're angry about this shouldn't be ignored. But I think you should wait until the anger passes and then think more objectively about whether you should do something. At that point, you might tell her it upsets you that it's a crop of a photo with her ex. And leave it her whether she chooses to change it. But in the end, you can't control other people.



I think livid was me being dramatic, I was more just disgruntled by it and a bit hurt, then got angry with myself for getting hurt about it. I haven't said anything, I was wise and immediately logged onto here and wondered what everyone elses opinion was, and you're right, its a nice picture and she probably didnt think about what I'd think when she put it up.

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I don't think her cropping out a picture of her ex means anything. Being a girl, we like to put up the BEST picture of ourselves (lol) and she just may have thought she looked really nice. I think you are overreacting. It would be one thing if she put the picture up without cropping him out.

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