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Don't know how to do it again

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My ex and I dated for over a year, during that time it was up and down, he would often cancel plans and then promise to make it up to me and never hold to that promise. He by no means was the best boyfriend but i loved him, so I let the small things go, and focused on the bigger ones. When we broke up I got no reason other then he needed time he was getting over a bad divorce and had a lot of built up anger that I got the bad end of. I was devastated it took me months to get over it, but finally i did, I moved on and realized i didn't need him there. That with him many of my dreams may never come true. So after 4 or 5 months I ran into him at a friends, he was living with a girl but they were having problems and he was in the process of moving out. He gave me this huge story on how bad he messed up and how he wanted me back he wanted to make it right, and he would do everything right. So of course i took him back, the beginning was great well i thought it was, and slowly it all started again, but i realized that was who he was and either i accepted it or broke up with him so i accepted it. He moved out of the apartment he had with her, but stayed in contact with her, i often question it but he stated he loved me they were just friends. I often thought he was lying to me, but he always had an excuse, and i put so much trust in him that I believed every story he told. Well a few nights ago I found out he was dating both of us, he was leaving me and going to stay with her, and visa versa. We confronted him together, and things got pretty crazy. He owes her some money and his race car was still in her garage cuz he had no where to keep it, which was a good excuse for him to be going over there I guess. So he was pretty pissed that he got caught. He asked me to come by and talk to him later, and stupid me did, oh did i mention i bought him the race car the first time around, so we talked and i told him trust was gone that was 4 to 5 months of dating us, not to mention she has a three year old son and I have a six year old daughter, who idolizes him, that there was no way I could look past it. We talk through the night, him making promises left and right making rules for himself that he swore to follow, an i said i would think about it. Well come the next morning I get a phone call from her hearing that he made the same promises to her. So i again called him out. After this conversation about life and promises he said he needed to go talk to her to work out how he would pay her back. He promised that he would be back and all would be well. And as stupid as i was for thinking about taking him back, i was stupider to believe that and asked him how was i to believe him with all the lies he told already, and he said plz one more time. Well the phone call came alright, to say he was back with her. and although i am better without him and he was horrible, it still hurts to think that he cared so little about me he could call just like that with a 2 second phone call after all he had put me through already. I mean 2 years and thats all i am worth, is a bunch of lies and a 2 sec phone call after all the love he swore he had for me. It hurts and I really don't know how to pick up the pieces again. I miss him and hate him and love him all at the same time.

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Sweety plz tell you know that youre so much more than he will ever be. I just ended it today with my ex. He was leading me around too. No one deserves that kind of treatment. Let her have him. You can do much better. I know it hurts..trust me on that, but i t will maker you stronger and wiser. He has no respect for you or her. Have more respect for yourself. Don't lower yourself to those levels. Keep your head up. Try to see it as a weight being lifted off your shoulders. No more lies, alot less pain. Just let him go. He obiviously doesn't love you nor deserve you. NC! NC! NC! That will probably be the hardest part of all this, but welll worth it in the end. You have a new start . Use it wisely. i hope i have helped you . Plz don't be afriad to PM me if you need to talk. Good luck. StarrieMarie04

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Damn, somewhere I have heard those words before StarrieMarie!!! Good girl, I'm proud of ya!. Anyway, to lpink78, you got played, she got played, but you came out the stronger person, because you are done with him (you are done with him right?). Like Starr said, your life will be better now, you just have to allow your heart and mind to believe that. Look at it like this, liars and cheats are a dime a dozen, who needs that when it can come so freely, find yourself someone that will be true and honest. You sound like a good person, so good things will come to you.



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