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Redeeming once self after horrible first date..


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About a week ago I was out with a few friends at a pub, drinking have a good ol' time.. A friend started to talk to a girl and he introduced me to her friend.. We hit it off okay, danced and I was pretty tipsy.. Got her number and we texted the next week and were making plans on seeing each other again.. She is a mature thirty two and I'm thirty four.. The text were going quite nice and could tell she was liking me and we sent pictures to remind ourselves of each other..


A week after I met her we met at the same pub.. I was nervous so i drank a few beers before getting there (my friend came along too since it was a double date).. I asked if she wanted a shot and I got the same and a crown royal for a lil liquid courage.. ^_^ Bad idea.. We were holding hands talking and I could tell the beer on the 2nd pitcher was starting to get to me and went to use the restroom and started talking to this guy and she passed by to meet back at the table we were at.. I got back to the table and my friend said they were saying I was getting tipsy but it was to late.. I was drunk and stopped talking to her (leaned in for a kiss a few times and got her check).. Wasted is more of the word.. When the bar closed she stormed out of the pub..


The next day I texted her "This is a apology for last night.. I was nervous and drank to much.. I like to make it up to you if you let me" No response if I get one any..

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Please pay attention to your drinking. I find that if I am nervous, the best thing to do is to plunge forward and just meet the person. Your nervousness may go away when you start talking and hit it off. I don't think you can salvage this one, sorry. If she texts you or calls you, she is being extremely generous. When you meet someone, you put your best foot forward and she perceives your best foot as drunkeness.

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I think you did three things that you could have done differently:


1) You got drunk the first time you met her

2) You were excessively drunk and not taking clues the second time you met her (hint! If someone bothers to mention that you are drunk, it's because you are excessively drunk and probably being annoying)

3) That apology sounded more flippant than heartfelt. Almost like someone told you to apologize - not that you actually felt bad.


If she responds, take her out and don't even drink one drop. She needs to see you sober now.

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That girl is most likely turned off completely. I will be surprised if you hear from her again.


Several years ago I was on a second or third "date" with this one guy and we both brought our friends along. He proceeded to get tipsy/drunk and then made childish noises in front of me. I was completely turned off. We talked here and there afterwards but those sparks weren't there anymore. I pretty much told him in my own words that it wouldn't work out and that was that.

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Totally feel like crap which I should.. if I was to try to apologize and maybe a chance.. what should I text her to let her know that's not who I am at all.. we hit it off quite nice.. but looking at the worse praying for the best.. my friend said he is going to try and get me a 2ndchance..

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Here's a good tip for going out and not drinking, but when you need a prop for your hands to be occupied and appear less nervous: Go to the bar and order club soda and lime. Not only does it look like a drink (looks like a vodka tonic), but it's free. Gives you something to hold, something to sip, and you won't get wasted. At least switch to that after a beer or two if you still need some "liquid courage." Works for me when I have to DD, or just don't feel like drinking.

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Totally feel like crap which I should.. if I was to try to apologize and maybe a chance.. what should I text her to let her know that's not who I am at all.. we hit it off quite nice.. but looking at the worse praying for the best.. my friend said he is going to try and get me a 2ndchance..


But that IS who you are if you need "liquid courage" to feel comfortable. Its not liked someone slipped something in your drink and made you act strangely.

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I feel fortunate I don't act this way after drinking too much.

Instead I look for the closest available bed to start my snoring.


As the first person said.

Lesson learned.


Next time if you start to get too drunk, the best thing you can do is leave to save face.

It's good you can tell you are, hopefully the memory of this disaster will help for next time.

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