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My boyfriend and I got into a fight over his constant flirting and making lewd comments to other women like calling them sexy when I was standing right there. I told him I didn't like how he talked to other women especially since they are not his girlfriend. I asked him these women you flirt with you are not hooking up with them are you?? He said no and was upset I even brought it up. I told him it was bothering me for some time now and he told me to give him some space. How long do I give him space?? He didn't say anything about breaking up he just said give me some space and now I am worried.

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Sometimes he can be a wanker where one day he will be blowing up my mobile with texts the next he doesn't text for days but never ever has he said I need space. He actually said it not ignored me and not talk to me for days but actually said I need space. I know I shouldn't of approached it like I did but his flirting was getting out of hand and it was doing a number on my self-esteem and I did start to question if he was indeed hooking up with these girls the way he talked to them. I feel guilty I brought it up and now I am worried it will cause a rift in our relationship or even worse breaking up. Monday is our anniversary and now I even wonder if we will make it to that not that he would remember anyways he has a really bad short term memory.

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Seriously, I think this is exactly what my ex was going through with me. I shut her out and pushed her away, by doing exactly what your partner is doing to you right now. This is so sad. We were togethr for 4 years and have been broken up for 5 weeks now. I had all these negative behaviour patterns that pushed her away. If you are really serious about saving your relationship then I would suggest you try and identify all the things that he does wrong AND all the things you feel you do wrong. I would love to have the change to fix my issues with my ex, you don't want to be in my shoes!

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I want to work on our relationship and deal with the issues. It is killing me he pushed me away and said give him space because I do not want him to break up with me. I still love him with all of my heart and I know if work on our issues maybe things will be better but right now he is asking I give him space so I suppose I have to give him space. He still plays Halo with me online so I guess he isn't too upset with me. He just doesn't want to " deal" with our problems and ask that I give him space. How much space and how long I do not know or where it will lead I do not know and that scares me.

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Giving him space is good. But maybe you need to send him an email, just a short one explaining how your feeling, etc and that you would eventually like to talk about these issues. He might get upset (I remember I did) BUT you need to keep trying to show him that you love him and want to work it out. My ex finally gave up and ended up leaving for someone else. Which sadly might happen to you and your partner. Do you best to try and safe it. You should check out Al Turtle. Great advice on his site. Has helped me immensley.

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I understand maybe he needs to decide what to do but it is making things far much worse. I know what he did is very,very wrong and there is no excuses for that but if he can promise to be a better person and not make comments towards other women maybe we can rebuild our relationship. I hate that he told me to give him space it is almost like he is punishing me for bringing up something that has been bothering me for a long time and when I finally bring it up he gets upset tables are turned on me and I am the bad guy. I understand totally he was a jerk and what he did was very dis respectful but like I said maybe with some therapy we can fix this.

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