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E-cigarettes. I bought one, immediately stopped smoking real ones. Over the course of a month, lowered the nicotine amount down to 0, and then stopped. Painless. "Vaping" is not technically safe, but it has been proven that depending on the brand, the "juice," which contains varying levels of nicotine, has immensely fewer harmful chemicals than the additives in tobacco. You can get various flavors, you can use them indoors, and they leave no smell. Just an option. I found that it was more the act of smoking that I was addicted to, not nicotine. So e-cigs definitely helped me a lot. There's a whole culture around them now, and some people like to use them to continue their smoking recreationally, enjoying new flavors and such. If you re-fill your own cartridges, the whole habit can be considerably cheaper than smoking real ones as well. One cartridge generally equals a pack of real or "analog" smokes, and a 30ml bottle of juice can refill multiple cartridges and cost about $8-10. A pack of five pre-filled cartridges, about 5 packs worth of real cigs, runs $5-10, and starter kits with chargers and batteries run $25-60. So, if used as a quitting method, they can be a lot cheaper than patches. But overall, cold turkey is the cheapest and healthiest method. I was a light smoker anyway, averaging 3-10 a day for one year, and even then I went right back after 10 days of quitting cold-turkey. So, e-cigs were a godsend for me, but to each their own.

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I quit with a Nicorette patch for four days, then they started irritating my skin so I went cold turkey. Haven't picked up a cigarette in about 15 years. I hate the darn things now and the smell of cigarette smoke makes me very sick to my stomach so I don't like to be around smokers at all. If you can stop, please do.

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This sounds obvious but the key to quiting is really wanting it for yourself. I smoked for 5 years and quit 3 years ago for this reason- I was a very health conscious person but my good habits meant nothing because I smoked. You have to find a strong desire/reason to quit. I tried many times when I wasn't ready (for the sake of others) and failed. You can't allow one or two on the weekends because that leads to 5 to 10 more. Good luck!

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I should clarify that there's no consensus about the safety of e-cigarettes since there are discrepancies between the many manufacturers out there. So, whereas the FDA has found harmful substances in a handful of brands, others came up perfectly fine. Nicotine itself isn't harmful to humans, albeit addictive. The main issue are the additives put in cigarettes. So at a minimum, studies have conceded that e-cigarettes are "safer" than regular cigarettes. The main concern is that non-smokers will get into them and switch over to real cigarettes. Plus, since there are no regulations on the manufacturing of them, some brands may still potentially damage one's health. However, as a quitting mechanism, I've yet to see anything as effective. I've seen older people at my local mall buying refills (I get mine on-line) and they've told me that they've smoked for over 40 years, and they've made the switch and have never looked back. They breathe easier and have more stamina. I also noticed my lung capacity improving after about a week or so of only using my e-cigarette. I found that I only wanted to smoke whenever I was bored or had free time, so I'd just pull that out, take a few puffs, and I was set.

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I quit for a year then went back, Truth be told i just like to smoke.


As for how I did it? my Dr. Gave me wellbutrin which is a fairly safe drug from what research i've done (tho i believe your not allowed to drink with it if i remember?) it's used for alot of things but one of it's effects is that it makes tobacco products taste ungodly aweful once it kicks in- So bad you'll feel sick if you try to 'cheat' after one puff.


For me (heavy chain smoker before quitting) that actualy 'addiction' lasted for about 5 days after stopping you know the want to smash your head into the wall to make it stop nerves after that it's all mental (you just want to do it, but no longer have the urgen cravings or nerves)


IMHO the most important thing in quitting is you have to actually WANT to do it. Otherwise you'll always go back.

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Oy! You guys are all right!!!


I need to WANT to do it....


But I don't yet ugh...school is so stressful and I freak out sometimes......blegh....once I do, I will commit I guess.....


Thanks guys for the tips regardless. I appreciate it...the hub and I have been looking into e-cigs. Anybody have more info on those? Any negative reactions????

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I second the Allen Carr recommendation. The book really helped me change my perspective and I was actually very excited to quit after finishing it. You're supposed to smoke while you read it but just make sure you're making decent progress through the book while you do.

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Oy! You guys are all right!!!


I need to WANT to do it....


But I don't yet ugh...school is so stressful and I freak out sometimes......blegh....once I do, I will commit I guess.....


Thanks guys for the tips regardless. I appreciate it...the hub and I have been looking into e-cigs. Anybody have more info on those? Any negative reactions????


I've tried 21st century smoking, which is a terrible brand. Had two break within the first couple weeks of use. Then I switched to smokeless image, which was significantly cheaper and came highly recommended. Didn't have a problem with them the few months I was using them. Head to link removed for more info and see some consumer reviews and ask more people about them if you're interested. Like I said, the safest thing to do is to not inhale anything other than good ol' air, but if you're like I was, and just really enjoyed the act of smoking more than tobacco, these things really help, or at least they did for me. After two weeks using them, I tried a real cigarette, and I didn't enjoy it at all, and went right back to the electronic. I really just enjoyed being able to switch flavors, refill cartridges, and even use them indoors, since the vapor doesn't stain or smell and just evaporates immediately. Lately I've seen a few people using them in bars and a few other places. Seems like they're common enough now that people don't take offense to them. Plus, since they're not a fire hazard and produce no smell or potential harm to others, they're perfectly legal. They were designed as a quitting aid, and they're effective. Life I said in a previous post, I just kept ordering the cartridges in lower doses of nicotine until I reached 0mg of nicotine (flavor only) and then just stopped.

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  • 1 month later...
ANNNNNDDDD months later......


I QUIT!!!! I am done I am so excited! I tried a cig on Sunday and it tasted so gross and made me sicky.....made me not want to ever do them again.


Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone! Much appreciated!


It is strange, though, isn't it? I smoked for many years and I had quit about 5 years ago.

Now I don't even know what I got out of smoking. Strange...

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