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Facebook, something you should know...

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Hi there,


I am posting this in healing because I know a lot of people check out their ex's FB pages, their new partners, and may not want to be caught. Just FYI, I looked at my "find friends" section today, and there were about 10 of my clients from work. I have never tried to look at these people, or are they in any way related. So, it proves that when you snoop on FB, eventually you can or will show up in that person's "find friend" section.


I had posted here about my ex's parter mysteriously on the top of my find friend section...he is still there a month later, and I have never looked at him. Anyway....just thought you would like to know!

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The find friends button is at the top right after you sign in.

These are people who likely looked for me since I did business with them. We do not have any friends in common-no where near. Today I looked clicked on find friends and found at least 10 of my clients. It was creepy, there was even the husband of a female client.


I have never has any desire to search my clients, and it is just weird that today, all of a sudden 10 of my clients popped up in this section.

There is no way this is a coincidence. I can't believe a 70 year old client of mine showed up. I didn't think she even knew how to use a computer.

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Sadchick83, Fb stores old emails, and traces people this way, even if its been yrs since you emailed the person they will still show up as Friends Suggestions. A friend of mine found me that way, we had no friends in common , but i popped on her FB, i never even searched for her, so i do believe its from our email history.

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Not a facebook power user but thought about friend suggestion app, the site keeps it quite random. Always thought it was based on random combination of friends of friends and personal info like hometown, education, employment, ect. I've created an email account to set up facebook when I first signed up and haven't used it since. Over 50% of suggested friends I have dozens of friends in common, other 30-40% I have at least a couple of friends in common and something else, have a few suggestions with single friend in common and totally random people. I doubt snooping has anything to do with it

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No there is no way because I don't have my work email associated with FB. These were all clients of mine whoI have never looked up.

It was so weird 'cause some of the clients were from 4 years ago.


Im sure it was innocent on their part, but there is just no way this could happen-- except if they searched me.

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If you stay logged in, Facebook tracks you as you move around the internet. They are collecting data on you all the time. In order to protect privacy, I've heard you should log out of Facebook otherwise, with your email and URL address and name they are collecting all kinds of information on you. I don't know how they do the "find friends" thing or "People you may know" but I have heard other stories like the OP's and people wondering HOW did this person end up in my "find friends" or "People you may know" when they have never contacted nor looked at their FB profile?


Facebook is one of the worst things to happen for relationships, in my humble opinion. People announcing break ups, and new partners on Facebook is just a really unfortunate trend when prior to Facebook, people would hear through the grapevine of a break up. Now people broadcast it to 600 other people in real time. And exes seeing photos of the new partners on Facebook, just awful. Truly awful. Facebook encourages stalking an ex because after a break up, if one has been rejected, it is extremely difficult to resist looking at an ex's FB page. I really preferred life before Facebook and yes, I do participate - although I held out for a really long time and will probably deactivate my profile at some point.

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Facebook is one of the worst things to happen for relationships, in my humble opinion. People announcing break ups, and new partners on Facebook is just a really unfortunate trend when prior to Facebook, people would hear through the grapevine of a break up. Now people broadcast it to 600 other people in real time. And exes seeing photos of the new partners on Facebook, just awful. Truly awful. Facebook encourages stalking an ex because after a break up, if one has been rejected, it is extremely difficult to resist looking at an ex's FB page. I really preferred life before Facebook and yes, I do participate - although I held out for a really long time and will probably deactivate my profile at some point.


I couldn't agree more...

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