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what makes a girl bad in bed


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This doesn't constitute as bad in bed, but definitely don't moonwalk out of the bedroom so that we (as guys) cannot see your butt. There is nothing sexier than to see you walking out of the room, or anywhere, for that matter, and see that luscious rear-end of yours. I know girls are often self-conscious about their butt, but from my perspective, seeing my girl's entire confident body is SUCH the turn-on.

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Btw, I don't think you are going to have earth-shattering love-making sessions in the beginning of your sex life right now. My girlfriend and I don't even remember the first couple times having sex (but we wish we did!), but I'm sure it wasn't as great as it was today. Relax, be creative, and learn about your bodies, but always remember to be in the moment. Don't overthink it!

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I am a girl and bisexual, so going to give my 2 cents. I did have a sexual experience with another female in the past and she was very "blah" the whole time until I went down on her... She just was not seeming into it but she was moving her hips and breathing heavy so I figured she was but just was not letting out moans or anything...


I think a guy or girl that just lays there like a frozen statue can be a turn off... I want to know I am pleasing my partner not humping some "pillow" so to speak lol... Also sometimes if your making love and your partner starts talking about their day or something that can be a bit of a turn off, mainly because, well... I don't think many people want to do that during sex or hear it, it can kill the mood a bit.

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It's an easier question to answer the other way round. Mostly, after you've covered the basics such as hygiene, etc 'bad' is simply a lack of 'good'. And good = adventurous, willing to talk (before, during and after!), coming up with new ideas and suggestions, fun, confident, kinky, etc.

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Based on my chats with straight guy friends on this topic, I would say "not moving" tends to be the biggest complaint followed by not being confident with her body.


I think the issue is that many women think that guys will be satisfied by their looks alone and that they don't really need to be an active participant in order to make it a good experience for the guy. Seems to be a bad assumption, lol.

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If you don't like sex, he'll be able to tell, and that will ruin the whole experience for him*. But then, if you don't like sex, then why have it in the first place?


That's the very core part of being good in bed: liking sex and letting him know.


On a lower level, here's how to be bad in bed: Just lie there. Don't let him know what you like. Don't let him see you naked. Never initiate sex. Be unwilling to try new things. Make him think you're doing him a favor. Take it too seriously. Reach over and check your Facebook messages while doing it.


(* Unless he's a jerk and doesn't care if you enjoy it or not.)

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Never initiate sex.


Oh, I forgot that one. I had a roommate who complained about that incessantly. He was in a 3 year relationship and could count on one hand how often his girlfriend initiated sex. Her reasoning was something to the effect of "It didn't matter to her much and would do it whenever he wanted to". It made him feel like he wasn't desired at all.

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Based on my chats with straight guy friends on this topic, I would say "not moving" tends to be the biggest complaint followed by not being confident with her body.


I think the issue is that many women think that guys will be satisfied by their looks alone and that they don't really need to be an active participant in order to make it a good experience for the guy. Seems to be a bad assumption, lol.


What he said.


Plus. Not being the aggressor and constantly needing the man to make a move is a big turn off. Guys like it sometimes when the girl takes charge.

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There's a difference between lying there and letting me take charge, and lying there and letting me do 100% of the work. Granted I'm doing most of the work anyhow, if she's not into it, I can sense that and then I won't be into it. There needs to be feedback, or I might as well be humping the hole in my mattress.

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I would say inexperience and lack of desire make a chic bad in bed

Like if she man handles your penis and just jerks it around like it's a shake weight or something

She doesn't do any foreplay at all..

She lays there like a wet spagetti noodle "fulfilling her duties"

She lays back and barely moans or makes a sound and she has her eyes closed the whole time and doesn't even try to make any eye contact with you

She brings up her past boyfriends while you're laying there naked

If she has poor hygeine...HUGE turn off...

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You're bad in bed if you don't enjoy the sex.


Don't fake things, don't do things you aren't comfortable with, don't stay silent as he's hitting your cervix, don't start actual sex until you're warmed up, don't be too self conscious to not bring up your own fantasies/fetishes, don't worry about what he's thinking, don't worry about what you look like...


Just, enjoy the sex. Let yourself be satisfied and then naturally express that satisfaction.

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Lack of physical confidence. it shuts down everything, from her ability to enjoy oral to her ability to even have an orgasm becasue she;s so busy being self conscious about being embarassed about you seeing her body...


Complete turn off. Stand up and own the bedroom, already - if you can't stand up as yourself with the lights on, you don't own the bedroom..

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