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Help!!! Can She Be Pregnant PLZ!!

Just A Teen

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this is sort of weird but, im very scared ...... Me and my girlfriend did have sex for the first time, but it was without a condom ( i know big mistake!!!! ) we got really scared but, then her period came within the next 2 days... Well now its late...its about 3 or 4 days late.. Is it possible that shes pregnant???

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You said her period came AFTER you had sex with her? well, once her period comes that means that she has gotten rid of her egg and your sperm. It would take several days for her to release another egg. The time that it takes for your sperm to die is 3-5 days. The egg will release about half way through the cycle and will stay there. So unless your sperm traveled through the falopean tube and a little further there is no way she could be pregnant. I really doubt that she is pregnant, you got lucky this time, buy a box of condums and have fun. any more questions post em' or pm me =p

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Mister teen, indeed, she cannot be pregnant since she has been 'flushed' (sorry for the words).


But please use a condom the next time. You're a teen and there are already toooo much teen parents out there. And since you are a teen, you're going to have sex with multiple partners in the future, I' m sure you don't want to catch a STD, do you?


Keep it up... 8)

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Umm... if you had sex on the 13th, and her period started on the 15th (two days after sex as you said)... why are you worried about her period not coming on the 1st?? I realize a teen girl may or may not be regular with her cycles, but the average cycle is 28 days. She's only on day 19 today (Sept. 2).


Oh yeah, you should use at least a condom from now on. Spermicide wouldn't be a bad idea either as long as neither of you is allergic to it.

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lilsht05 is right. And infact, theres been women who have gone alot more than the first three months. Thats how you get most the women who say "i didn't know i was pregnant". As much as you're on this board and hear the people talk about pregnancy and protection, they're not just joking around. It's a serious thing. And if you think you're ready for that type of activity, be responsible about it. Being younger her cycle isn't mature enough, along with her body to handle child bearing. Kids that age do get pregnant, but it doesn't mean their bodies are ready for it. I strongly suggest abstinance or protection because next time you may not be so lucky. It would be hard to raise a kid, go to school, and work to support it, just ask my bf because thats what he's doing right now preparing, so believe me i know. Hospital bills cost anywhere from 5,000 to over 10,000 for a delivery and thats not counting the OB doctor bills. Heck just from my blood tests it cost me almost 400 dollars. I'm not saying all this to scare you or upset you, but to get you to realize it is a very big deal, especially if you get her pregnant. Just think before you do, alright hun? Good luck.

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Well first off it would appear that she is not pregnant thankfully and hopefully u will learn a lesson which it sounds like u have. Second, for more conclusive results u could ask her to take a test. Thirdly why no condom? Fourthly why no day after pill? Finally, only 14, don't u have better things to do like hang around with mates playing footy?


Just curious.

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Many women report getting what seem like regular periods during early pregnancy. How can this be? First of all, it helps to realize that since the hormones of pregnancy totally prevent ovulation, the bleeding is not truly a menstrual period, but rather early pregnancy bleeding. That said, the perception of having a menstrual period (or more than one) in early pregnancy can confuse the due date and delay some pregnant women from seeking appropriate and timely medical care.



Oh really? They can't? I don't know where you got that knowledge from |OCS|Virus, but a woman can infact have period like symptoms while being pregnant. So i'll continue to enlighten you..


If these episodes are intermittent, they can be perceived as periods, and the mother-to-be may not recognize that she is pregnant. In instances where a couple is unaware that they are expecting, it can be particularly emotionally challenging to find out about the pregnancy at the same time they are told that the bleeding might signal a problem.


These articles come from link removed for reference. They talk about the different ways a woman could have a fake period while pregnant. Everything from implantation bleeding which is when the egg is implanting itself into the uterus wall, to bleeding and birth control. However, bleeding can also be signs of miscarriage or a problem in a pregnancy like you said, but this just shows you there are other reasons for it and that it does happen.

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