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go out with him? or...no

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K so this guy that digs me(so I was told by himself) wants to "hang out" which we both know means makin out and so on. We've talked about it. He's doesn't have the looks that I would neccesarily go for, but his personality is pretty cool. He's self-conscience a lot also. I'm just not sure if I should hang out with him or not. I would like to see what happens but then also kinda afriad or unsure of what will happen. I don't know if I'll regret it. I don't wana hurt his feelings or anything. It also sucks because I don't talk to him a whole lot at school like I do on instant messenger. I don't know if it's emabaressment or not. It makes me seem like jerk I know but I need to figure out what I need to do. Please give me your advice I need some.

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Ok, the kid is saying he wants to make out with you basically. I suggest no, you don't, for several reasons:


1) He hasn't done anything to deserve to make out with you. You barely know him. Don't make out with guys just because they ask you to...you're worth much more than that, and it's a lot more fun to make out with guys who really like and respect you, please trust me on this.


2) I don't think you're attracted to him. Never give someone a "pity" make-out session!


3) Again, you don't know him. Get in the habit while you're young of keeping yourself in SAFE situations.


I know this is a time in your life where curiosity and interest in boys seems like a 24 hour obsession, and it's flattering when a boy expresses interest...but this one only seems to be expressing physical interest, and you know what? A guy does not get to be with you just because he wants to! You are worth so much more than that.

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I guess I didn't say the full story. I've known this kid from last year. He's really nice we've talked a lot and he does like me and doesn't just want me for makin out or w/e... He's not into all the sexual stuff believe lol. he's not lying. It was just somethin off the top of our heads and somethin we both thought about. He's really nice and I'm somewhat attracted to his personality and phsycial looks but then again...there are some things I don't liike. A person can't be perfect but I should just settle for someone that I don't fully like it's not right.. thanks for sending replies anyone else got any ideas?

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