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I love him but its not right

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Me and my ex boyfriend have known each other for about 3 years, we were a real couple for almost a year. He is my best friend and knows me better than anybody. I love him with everything in me still, but the sad thing is, it will never work. See, he has his whole life planned out, and its something that i dont agree with, and know that i wont be happy with. I want to be with him so much, but this thing is keeping us apart. Should i tell him how i feel?

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What is is about his whole life that you cannot agree with? How does it make you not happy?


Also, you are only 15, and I assume he is similar in age...you both have a lot of growing to do and "life" together is a slim possibility (at least without a break somewhere!) so why not just enjoy the now?

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actually today is my birthday.. im 16 and he is 19... He is going to college in january and after that he plans to get married and move to utah immediatley and start a church. and preach to the mormans.




Happy Birthday then


Okay, so it is religious differences then? That I can understand as making you unhappy, depending especially on the path of Mormonism (?) he may take - and what his beliefs about what it means is.


I can see why you might feel that it won't work, or at least not work the way you deserve. Follow your gut, and your heart.

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