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An idea for helping you feel better and move on...

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I just thought I'd share this with everyone as an idea for helping you move on and feel better. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I always find that some good intense exercise is a great way to make yourself feel better.

Performing exercise releases endorphines which are the body's natural happy pills. I usually feel on top of the world after a good workout. Really putting some effort into your workout also helps you release some of that anger as energy. And finally, the benefits are long term as well. Maybe you're achieving that 6-pack you've always wanted or losing a few lbs. Whatever it is you're almost certainly going to look and feel better and this will greatly increase your confidence (and maybe make your ex jealous too!). Depending on which activity you choose it may also be a good chance to get out of the house, meet new people and maybe learn something new that will keep you occupied instead of moping around.

I can highly recommend *kickboxing* for example, for both men and women. Girls, just imagine your ex is the punch bag and I guarentee that you'll feel ten times better at the end of it! Guys, better not imagine that because that would be a bit sinister! -but you'll feel great after releasing some of that anger on the bag! It's allso a great place to meet some really nice people. Believe it or not, "fighters" are some of the nicest people I know, probably because all their aggression is disposed of in the gym!

I also find that after a workout I'm thinking much more clearly and all of a sudden all those thoughts about ringing my ex or whatever seem to be just slightly verging on crazy - very refreshing!

Just a thought in case anybody's looking for any ideas...

Take it easy.

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Thanks for the post. I completely agree that with all that you've said. I have found that something as simple as going for a long walk can clear my mind and make me feel refreshed.


Just a little something to add, it also works to help beat situational depression. I spent alot of time cooped up in my house and getting outside helped lift my spirits.

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Yes, I have been cycling (road and mountain bike) for a good while now and there is nothing better than going out and either tearing up the trails or sailing down some rural roads be it by myself, or with other riders. I also race (both road and mtn). I have also been practicing power yoga for years too.


However, it also means I see my ex often during the spring/summer & fall, as he rides too, and we are at races a lot together! But, we have had a good time at them and travel to them together too - no worries.

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I'm a mountain biker/ motocross racer too. Nothing like being one on one with your bike/cycle in nature. Very therapeutic. The only thing I think about is the next berm, log or jump thats right in front of me, not what my ex girlfriends are doing LOL.

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We are coming out of the woods now, fellow mtn bikers


I agree with JT, once you are on the bike, you don't have time to think about anything else but staying upright.


I ride/race road bikes as well, but that leaves way too much time for thinking, though the speed is nice!

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Yes RayKay, mountainbikers are coming out of the closet. Welcome also JT. I agree with your post that for a couple of hours you are concerntrating soo much on making it up that hill or staying on your bike that you do not have time to worry about anything else. I haven't converted to road bikes yet though


We are coming out of the woods now
I did actually today, riding in the local woodlands where I live!!!!
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