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Saw brief picture of my ex....


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Ex broke up with me 5 months ago today. I've been NC officially since beginning of June, as well as unfriended her on facebook. Have been doing whatever the hell I can to get over her, just stumbled accidently onto recent picture of her online. God did it freaked me out, she looked so pretty, my anxieties came back. We want what we can't have!!! How long does it take to get over this? Its been 5 months!!!!

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it takes time..and saying get over it just dosent seem to cut it... im going through the exact same thing except ive pretty much done all that i can do and i find that facing her is probs be the best idea or just stop hiding from her. i did exactly what ur doing i ignored every message, avoid every place that i would or may bump into my ex and tried to block everything that could possibly have me and him in the same room or confrontation. Anyways time goes by and last months i took action i stopped avoiding him, i stopped trying to block him from contacting me and now well now..im just dealing with it. its still hard but its not as painful as it was when i tried to suppress and block my feelings. not only i was being fake to myself but to everyone else around me. I realize my behaviour and action were not right and i ended up hating the person who i was becoming. So i stopped being so foolish and stopped and now im back to me again but with a little bit more objectivity and persepective in my mind. so keep it at it and as hard as it may seems try and get use to her being around the pain will subside.Cause ur use to her being there, one day u wont care and it all be gone and moved on...keep at it

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Were together 8 months, she broke it off over the phone, said she wasn't happy with the distance & felt unsure if she really liked me. It was very unexpected, and the fact she did that over the phone really hurts.

How long are you saying months, years? What if I meet someone else in that timeframe? Would I have to stop myself because it would be a rebound?

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