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SO i've called and begged, pleaded, whined, threatened (not in a scarey way). I've met up with him a few times (a month later) and lost weight got brown and managed not to get blasted and tearfull and made him laugh. I've even had sex with someone else. Still he is in my thoughts every waking hour of every day and I want him back so bad it makes me feel physically sick.

We'd been rowing a bit before we broke up- I,ve got a new job and was stressed. So he calls me up and says he needs to concentrate on his career and be selfish for a while which makes me wanna wring his neck as I really needed his support. Help.

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So what do you want? Him back.


Then you really need to change you entire way of operating and actually correct some damage since you broke up. Begging, pleading, whining and threatening hurt your chances. A confident, sexy, desirable woman has no need to do any of these things.


If you want him back, you need to see that the reason we go for people is that they meet our emotional needs. If he broke it off, you were not meeting his needs. Do that, and he will come back. Doing it requires a bunch, though.

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I have been on both end of the break up scene. I hate to say that it never seems to work out either way. If you get back together, things don't change and you break up again. My suggestion is to get yourself together. You are the most important thing there is and thinking about yourself will not only build your confidence but make you a strong independent woman. Remember men are not all that. Let him come running back to you after you show him that you do not need him to get by on life. And after a time, if you run into him then that confidence will glow and he will want to have some of it.


Believe me I know a break up is hard to deal with. Go out and depend on your friends to get you through it. Learn to do things on your own, like a movie or dinner. Make a date night with yourself (your favorite meal and your favorite meal) Time really heals all wounds, honey. Remember that.

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