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New teller at my bank ;)


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Okay.. some might say its to early to date.. still figuring it out..


Anyway to the question..


I just went in to my bank to do a wire.. and they know me well, walk in hey my name.. I'm like hello ladies.. I see this new girl we lock eyes..


I'm like wow she is cute mid to late 20s.. perfect...



The head teller introduces me to her.. I'm there prob five min. We keep looking at eachother she is playing with her hair.. puts on lip gloss..


It's her first day.. how do I even go about asking her out... It's were I bank all the other ladies will be looking and they would be okay..


But its her first day.. don't wanna be picking her up.. plus not even sure what the rules are for dating customers..


I'm pretty sure she was intrested.. oh boy was she sexy, and reserved.

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You should've started up some convo about her first day... but this is an easy pick up imo... Next time you see her ask her how she likes the job, then ask her where shes from and what she did before becoming a teller... keep going on and on and on and on then ask for her number for lunch (hey I know this great spot to eat lunch at a few blocks from here, what time do u normally take lunch?)


Who cares about the rules about dating a customer... It's not a date its just lunch. Don't over think this... Think about THIS step then think about the next steps and rules and etc.

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Not as easy as in theory...


I did talk to her... Problem is she is working.. other customers, coworkers... Just not that easy to spit a little game while she is working..


If she wasn't at work.. I would talk to her for a little then ask her out..


I just feel its diff she is at work.. I guess that's my question. How to go about all the obstacles that is her work..

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Aww that is adorable! I got the perfect thing you can do! It's funny because she knows how much you have in your account lol. You write on a deposit slip or withdrawal slip your business for the day, but put one slip on top of it that has your number and write "call me sometime" or "how about a date?". You can even elaborate if you want and write I think your cute etc. I'm sure she knows your name or you can add it on there. What's the worse that can happen? Better if you can avoid pay days or busy times.

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Not as easy as in theory...


I did talk to her... Problem is she is working.. other customers, coworkers... Just not that easy to spit a little game while she is working..


If she wasn't at work.. I would talk to her for a little then ask her out..


I just feel its diff she is at work.. I guess that's my question. How to go about all the obstacles that is her work..


It is easy... who cares about the other customers haha... you need to prioritize number 1 in this situation - yourself. That above convo I suggested would take no more than 2-5 mins... I'm sure she can pry herself away from work for 2-5 mins.. or is it that busy?


The above by princess123 could work if you're afraid to just talk to her because shes either busy or whatever else... but if you flash some confidence and just begin a short convo you'd get her number, guaranteed.

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I work at a bank and it is ok to date the customers...some of the people in the branch have married their customers!!


Don't wait to long because there are probably 50 guys like you -- noticing the new girl. Bring her a coffee, or snacks (i.e. chocolates) Or for the counter staff. People do it all the time. They give little gifts to the tellers. I think it is better to ask her face to face to go for coffee, or whatever.

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I just noticed when you posted-- 1pm. I'll bet you went in from 11-12:30pm. this is the busiest time at the branch. Dont go in at month end, Friday before a long weekend, etc. How about Thursday at 2:30pm or Tuesday at 11:00am. Try to hit the branch when it is quiet. Tellers are encouraged to be friendly and "know" the customers, so its ok if you spend a few minutes talking. It's totally OK if there is no line up.....so go in at the off hours and you are golden!!!

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Thanks everyone... I'm not affraid to talk to her at all.. its just her place of work didnt want to intrude...


I agree with you. But why don't you ask her "Hey..I find you interesting person, would you be up for coffee/drink sometime?" Also mention that you are not looking that meeting from business perspective.


If she says yes then bravo. If she says no then promptly apologize saying you'll never bring that topic in future.

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Like I mentioned, it is absolutely ok to know your customers...it is actually a teller's job--to get to know their deposits, tendencies etc, if the client is married, whatever. Often tellers have to make quick decisions on exceptions to policies and it is this knowledge that assures them when bending the rules.


I think you should ask her is she wants to get a coffee on her break. Lunch would be too much at this point. You will get your answer. Good luck- I'm sure you will nail it!!!

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If someone came up to you at your job and was like "your hot lets go out" but not in those words would you be bothered? No, even if you had a bf/gf or if you werent interested it would put a smile on your face... MAN UP!


I think the OP was right to express concern initially. These kinds of things need to be discreet. If I were her boss, for example, and I knew she flirted or accepted the invite for a date from a customer, I would have fired her. It's just not appropriate conduct and many businesses will have policies against this kind of thing.

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I think the OP was right to express concern initially. These kinds of things need to be discreet. If I were her boss, for example, and I knew she flirted or accepted the invite for a date from a customer, I would have fired her. It's just not appropriate conduct and many businesses will have policies against this kind of thing.


Pretty much

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Well its done.. went back... Did another wire.. just to talk to her. Haha.. asked her out.. she said she love that.. and she joked.. I was waiting for u to ask me before..

Congrats man! But I wonder why some of us can never get this when we ask out?? All luck always goes to the same guys...

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Hey Fathom,

I work at a bank and many employees end up marrying their customers. It was 22n32 who did the asking so its not like she can leave her wicket and hide under the counter. I know this may sound strange, but a customer can ask a bank employee out. If they started dating seriously, or were married at that point she can no longer serve him. He approached her, so its fine.


I think the OP was right to express concern initially. These kinds of things need to be discreet. If I were her boss, for example, and I knew she flirted or accepted the invite for a date from a customer, I would have fired her. It's just not appropriate conduct and many businesses will have policies against this kind of thing.
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I may be the odd one out here, but to accept a date with a customer on her first day on the job would seem to look very unprofessional, and would not score any points with her employer, or other employees.


I understand that it's fine to date a customer, but to arrange that on her very first day would certainly raise some eyebrows.

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Um, you went into your bank, there's a new teller who's making eyes at you, playing with her hair and putting on lip gloss on her first day?


And you go back a few hours later, ask her out, and she says she wanted you to ask her out earlier?


Are you sure this wasn't a strip club?


I agree with Heart. Extremely unprofessional, and good think you went back a few hours after seeing her, because with her ethics, she won't be working there long. lol

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