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Don't Know what to do..

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Ok, heres the deal (please dont think I'm disgusting) I'm in a relationship with a guy 15 yrs older than me, I'm 19. He was my highschool teacher and the first and only guy ive ever been with. My parents found out about our relationship about 3 months after it began (I was no longer in his class but I was still in high school) Then he was sent to Iraq and they thought our relationship ended so they didnt get him introuble w/ the school or anything. But the other day they found that I still had his number and pretty much hate me right now. I love this man to death, he means the world to me--but being with him means totally losing all contact with my family b/c they have made it clear they wont have anything to do with me if I stayed with him. He wants to get married but I am so scared of losing my family when or if I do marry him, because they will know for sure I have been lying to them this whole time. I wish I didn't love him so much and could move on, but every time I try I can't, it breaks my heart... I dont know what to do!

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Obviously if your parents are that shallow then i wouldn't choose your love over your family....Your parents are suppose to be there for you and love you and go with what you say...They may not like it but, whats best should be your decision... My girlfriend also says that you should choose him.... Your family isnt very supportive...i hope this helped

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hi there,

My family doesn't like my bf either and at times it's been hard, but i've decided that i can't just ignore my feelings for my boyfriend. We've been together for a year and a half despite what my parents think. I hate that i have to choose between them because my parents are important to me but so is he. My thinking is that i can't live my life without regrets at all. i'm moving to San Francisco to be with my boyfriend even though my mom is trying to stop me from going. I have to be able to make my own decisions and I've decided that i'm going. I hope that this helps at least a little... take care.

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My parents hate my ex but, i'm going back to Texas to try to be with him! Your parents say that they will never forgive you but they probably will! My best friend is 17 and her fiance' is 36! She loves him and would be misreable without him! Her parents hated the idea at first, but when they realized that they would have to accept it or lose her they decided to accept it!

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