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I think I like my best friend as more


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Well let's see how do I start this the title says the basics of it. So let's start with this me and this girl have been good friends for over two years now. And to be perfectly honest when I first met her I kind of had a crush on her but she had a boyfriend so I didn't act on this and just became friends with her. So Now it seems that these feelings for her have come back I like her. She doesn't know and I don't know If she feels the same but I know this I don't ever want to see her get but again she has had boyfriend And some family issues in the past and I don't want anything like that happening to her again I mean get jeleous when she talks about other guys.


So I guess I have two questions one do you think it's possible for best friends to become more and second and most important should I tell her how I feel ?

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I think becoming friends first is a great way to start a relationship, as it starts from a place non physical first. But, yea it is a difficult decision to make. If you feel in your heart you must tell her then you must, what is most important, expressing your feelings for her or maintaining your friendship? It might be a good idea to try and find out first her feelings, throw in hints every now and again and watch for her reactions, subtlety would be key here.

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Well I really really like her I always seem to feel happier when I'm talking to her or just around her in general. We can always cheer each other up and always help each other with anything. I really want to tell her how and part of me things she might feel the same so, you think i should tell her?

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Well I really really like her I always seem to feel happier when I'm talking to her or just around her in general. We can always cheer each other up and always help each other with anything. I really want to tell her how and part of me things she might feel the same so, you think i should tell her?


Only you can say if you should tell her or not, what is your gut feeling on this? Given all i know from this thread, i would tell her yes, but, not all at once, id plant seeds to look for hints in her reaction as to how she might feel. But, that's just the way i am, if i believed then that she may feel something for me too i would find a way to tell her. It sounds to me like you wont be happy with things as they are, with that in mind i think yes, you should tell her.

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I don't know. There's usually an exception to every rule, but my boyfriend told me he used to be best friends with this girl and she never liked him back that way. I don't know what the best approach to telling her how you feel is, but expect to get rejected. You should expect that in case of worst-case scenario. Be prepared that your admission of having feelings for her may change the relationship forever. You might creep her out and she won't wanna pal around with you anymore for fear of giving you any ideas more than she's already had.


This is why I've never been "best friends" with a guy because stuff like this always happens, it seems. I do not wish to lead anyone on and it seems in situations like this there's almost ALWAYS one party secreting longing for the other. Maybe you just blurt it out and get it over with because you're delaying the inevitable. On the flip side she could want to be with you too. But if the romance didn't work out, I don't know how you guys could go back to just being friends. You may be too hurt to.

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