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Need Some Advice

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Hi Everyone,


I need some advice. I have my profile on a couple of personal sites. And I just received an email from a guy who wants the password to my picture. Now I'm not sure that I want to give him the password. And I would just say no. But this site is one of those that you have to pay to make contact, and I'd feel really guilty for not giving it to him but at the same time I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with giving it to him.


Has anyone got any advice Please???



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Why not get to know him better first? There is nothing at all wrong with replying saying "Hey I'm not comfortable just giving my picture out immediately. How about we talk first?"


As abcd1234 said, you aren't under any obligation to give it out. Do not do anything online that you aren't 100% comfortable with.

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I'd feel really guilty for not giving it to him but at the same time I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with giving it to him.


Why would you feel guilty? You seem to not even know this guy that well. Why can't you just email him your picture (do you not know how?). This whole situation with you feeling guilty seems strange . . . .don't give him YOUR password, bad things could happen such as him getting your personal information such as address, credit card number, etc. Why take an unnecessary risk?

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Hi there,

Never, ever give out your passwords. People can do so many things with your account and get you in loads of trouble.


I agree with Chai, send him a picture if you want to--through email.


Have fun and stay safe.

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