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I really like this girl in my youth group. She is six months older than me. I am 17 she is 18. Her father is the youth pastor and a good friend he does not allow her to date until in college. We both would not date until college. I have known her for several years and know a lot about her and just lately we have gotten closer. Sometimes she will stick around after youth group activities and talk a while. We talk for a little while every once and a while we talk about past expieriences and some of what we like stuff like that not too intiment. I like her for her personality most of all and she just happens to look good. She is good with kids and is going into some type of children's medical care. She laughs at all my jokes. She looks into my eyes when we talk. One day my friend told her that I like her and asked if she liked me and she was smiling and blushing and said no I wouldn't date until college anyhow. We are just friends. Her sister doesn't like me she said she had better not make her related to me. Her father believes that you should be friends during high school until college. One day when we were eating at her house me and her and her parents and the conversation somehow got to her parents wedding day she didn't bring it up it was brought up by her parents. The other day I was leaving the room and she started to follow I held the door and once she was outside the door she said she accidentally forgot that she had to stay. Do you think she likes me. She leaves this summer for college and I the next year. I fear that I might never get a chance to get serious with her and whether this is that kind of relationship. But I do not want to ruin our friendship. I need help I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do you think she likes me and what would be the best route to take this relationship on.

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hey bro,

i think you should do what your heart tells you to do. you should talk to her one day and just tell her how you feel. tell her that you like her, but dont expect to get an anwser back cause girls are confusing. tell her you have feelings for her and that you just thought that she should know. i know this is hard because ive been in the same situation, but you just have to suck it up and deal with it.

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Ummm...NO, she doesn't like you. Look Bro...think of it this way...y'all have been friends for way too many years. Now, sometimes that is a good thing, but in this case it's against you...and I'll tell you why.

First...you are both going off to college...you in one state and her in another. Long distance relationships NEVER work. They NEVER work...NEVER. Did I say that long distance relationships sometimes work? Well I shouldn't have cuz they NEVER work. PERIOD.

Second...she's gonna go buck wild in college. Seriously...Snoop Dogg is gonna have her in his next Spring Break video!! Anyone who grows up a Pastor's daughter...with all those rules and regulations is gonna go buck wild once Daddy ain't there to control her every move!!

Maybe she likes you...maybe she doesn't...but given the situation, you need to get over it. If anything is meant to be between you, it'll happen in it's own time...and that time will be any time AFTER college.

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