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Trusting the one you like

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Ok i really like this girl, but i sometimes have a hard time trusting her. It started we started school(she goes to a different school), and i found out about guys that are constantly trying to get her. Now when i try to call her, she seems to always be busy, nomatter what time i call(i know she is a lot, she has to juggle school, cheerleading, and volleyball at the same time).


I know that she has time to call me, because sometimes i would call her and she would already be on the phone with someone else, and i just know that its one of those other guys. She also doesnt have a cell phone, so her friends are always complaining about how some guy always calls for her on their cell phone. I know that she liked me at one point, and im not sure if she does anymore. She kissed me first, but im always the one that makes the first move to hold her hand, or cuddle with her.


One time i saw an e-mail to her from a guy saying something about her going over to his house more often. This really scares me, and i dont know what to think.


I talked to her last week, and i just straight up asked her if she liked anyone else, and she said no. But she still never calls me, and im not sure what to do. I want to talk to her about it, but its really hard, and i dont know what to say. Im really shy when it comes to these situations, and im afraid that its going to come out wrong, and give her the message that im desperate or something.

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Yeah. I wouldn't push it either. Sounds like she's a busy chick. About the other guys, I'm sure that she might have interest in a few. But for some people, school's more of a priority, thereforeeee getting with guys isn't. I think that she senses that you do like her, especially because you've already asked her if she likes anyone. Her response in saying 'no,' tells me that it's her subtle way that she perhaps see's you more as a 'friend.'


This is the motto that I always follow: "Actions speak louder than words." Even if she's not the first person to 'make the move,' it does not mean that she's being shy. Her actions tell me that she's not being as receptive to you. If two people truly bond, then naturally, things like calling or communicating often with each other, should not be a major concern. If she liked you enough, and was receptive to your liking her, then she'd be a little bit more available. I'm trying to be not as blunt about it, but it doesn't seem like she's really investing the same interest in you as you do in her. But much props to you for your efforts! Get to know other girls, especially at your high school. Try not to focus too much attention on her. I'm sure that you'll eventually stumble into someone who will have as much interest in you, as you do in her. Mutual chemistry is the basic ingredient for any potentially strong relationships to occur.


Take Care. & Don't give up hope in the love department. Enjoy your time in high school! Mahlina

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i see where your coming from, im glad someone finally made sense on this frikkin forum! Im just gonna let things go with her. We usually hang out on the weekends, but this weekend i had to go to a church thing, and we couldnt. I just got back now, so im going to call her for the last time to see if she wants to hang out or anything. If she sais no, or shes too busy(her most favorite reason), then im forgetting about everything that was between us, and moving on... If she wants anything more than a friendship with me she will have to make me believe she wants it.

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Ok, we ended up going out to get something to eat for an hour with her friend.


Right before i left i talked to one of her friends, who said that there was stuff going around like me calling her too much, and acting too possesive...I dont really see how i got that title, but it doesnt matter.


I couldnt bring myself to holding her hand or kissing her goodbye or anything, i didnt really have much physical contact with her at all. I couldnt really tell if she cared or not because it was pretty dark out.


She always gives out mixed signals, and im pretty dam confused right now, so im just going to let it go. She wants me to call her on tuesday to tell her how my first day of school went, so ill do that. From then on, if she wants to talk, shes gonna have to call me.

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ok my b/f is almost exactly the same he always either going out to party, doing school stuff or @ a track met or pratice. we do go to the same school and he is always flirting with other gurls and it does piss me off and i do get fustrated and when i am on the phone with him he is always puting me on hold and talking on his cell phone while i am on hold but i have learned to deal with it because i know that he would never cheat on me and i do trust him so if u trust your g/f the way i trust my b/f and she hasn't broken your trust don't go jumping to conclusions and just deal



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well, shes not my g/f, and im not sure if its going to turn into that...but im glad that you know what im talking about. I do trust her, but then i have my friends who are joking around being like "did you hear about your girl dude, she went over to some guys house last night and made out with him". And i know that she used to go over to a guys house that lived by her, but they were just friends... I dont believe my friends though, and they always tell me that they are just kidding after, but it just makes me think about it.


i dunno, im sure im just overreacting, ive never had a girl that i like actually like me back like this before. Ive never meaningly kissed a girl before, and ive never held a girls hand, and knew that there was meaning to it. Ive never had anything like this before, and i guess i just freak out when i think that i could lose her.

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Your coming off as very needy and very insecure about yourself. This is probably turning her off from you. Women can sense insecurity in a guy.


You always call? you always initiate the contact? sounds like your her pet....



sorry, but thats just the way it sounds. Since she's not your gf, then it doesn't really mean you have any say in what she can and can't do with her male friends.


check out this thread:


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There are several good points of what women are attracted to, and what they arn't.


Check it out.


and good luck!

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