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My girlfriend and i were recently talking about getting back together...it seemed plausible at first but then things got worse and i called it all off. Several days later, she was at a friends house and they got drunk...her, a friend and her husband. Well u can just imagine what happened. However, the deal was that my x was just supposed to be with the girl and thats it(she is bi). The husband was told this btw and he was just supposed to watch them and then the wife would deal with him after that.


Well the girls do their thing and the husband joins in which wasnt part of the deal. Of course it was dark and noone could see. Well he starts messing with my x. Of course soon the wife found out and she called the whole thing off.


While the husband got up to use the restroom, the girls discovered a camera under some clothes. They got mad, put their clothes on and stopped everything.


My x calls me a few days later upset and telling me what happened and that she feels bad. I also felt bad as i still had feelings for her and this sort of situation had happened before..we broke up and she slept with a guy after two weeks.


Anyways, i spoke to her about it and i felt really horrible. We spoke and the wife was pretty mad since her husband had done stuff with my x. I also felt the same way. Well a day went by and the wife finally called me and my x over..since my x was visiting me.


We go over there and have a few drinks and the wife feels like she should get revenge since her husband messed around with my x. She asks my x if it was ok and she said she wasnt bothered by it. So all of us did our thing and i was a little better after that...


My thing now is that i still dont trust her going over there by herself for obvious reasons...on top of this my x has been real apologetic and she wants to get back with me. Its always been my thing to have two women and she feels now that since she has done this for me that maybe we can start talking...


I just dont know what to do. She said that it wont happen again..and we WERENT going out...i just made her feel bad as to finally get my way with this situation(you messed around with her i wasnt there blah blah blah) the thing is...should i go back out with her? my roommate says no but hes not reliable at the moment because none of his relationships have ever worked out right...She has never cheated on me while we were together.. and she says shes not messing around with anyone anymore...is she worthy of a second chance?

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Is she worth a second chance?? Why wouldn't she be?? You two seem to have the exact same taste in your sexual adventures. You just had a threesome with her and her friend - what makes that any different then what she did, except she did it first? Sounds like you are both pretty free-spirited people into kinky sex, so at least you have stuff in common.


I'm not saying what you have in common will make for a lasting and trusting relationship, but at least you two make a better match together then if one of you dates someone who isn't into threesomes.

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its just that i care i guess too much what other people think and i dont want to seem like well dude...u knew she was like this and now she broke ur heart later on down the road. I just dont want that scenario to happen. Do you think its possible to continue a relationship like this with 3 people and not have any problems?


I know that usually people get jealous when this happens but since ive done it once with no complications, i dont see why my gf would be jealous. I just do not want to seem like a fool for giving her an extra chance


Its like the old saying..Fool me once shame on you..fool me twice shame on me.

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If you really love her and care about her then you might want to give her a second chance. The way I see it is if she's important to you then you'll always have her in your mind and in your heart and you don't want to live with that what if forever. She could really be the one and silly drunkedness (if thats a word) get in the way of what can be true love its not worth it to wonder. In the end the good times will out way any of the bad.

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If the love is there, I would say go for it. I would definitely say that you two should talk about how open your relationship would be if you got back together again. I wouldn't go over to that house with the husband-wife as often... just seems like its drama waiting to explode.


If she never cheated on you during your previous relationship, thats a good thing. However, since you both weren't exclusive to eachother recently (given the current events) its unfair to really throw eachothers mistakes in your faces.... So move on from today on... Yesterday shouldn't matter... Forgiven, but not forgotten.


I wish you the best of luck... But don't take things too fast.

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