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My boyfriend had just moved two hours away, my brother had moved twelve hours away, my grandfather is in a coma, I am unsuccessfully looking for a much needed job, and I am trying to get into a college. SO, I am carrying a lot of stress. I have a tendency of breaking down and crying. Particularly when I am talking to someone about what's going on, or when I am talking to my brother or boyfriend.


My parents are under a lot of stress as well, so I don't want to have them worry about my problems on top of it. thereforeeee, I basically don't talk to anyone about my problems. My boyfriend and my brother were like my best friends. When I talk to them, I just cry though.


How can I deal with this? I feel secluded and alone because I am not very close to my other friends. I just want to be able to deal with this stress in a resonable manner.


I would also like to add that my mother will not allow me to drive to see my boyfriend (even though I am a senior in high school), which is awful considering I won't see him until break. What should I do about that?


Any input on dealing with stress or anthing would be awesome. Even anything about dealing with long distance relationships. Just something to give me hope and keep my chin up. Thanks so much!

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One of the best ways to get rid of stress, in your case, I think is to vent it out. Vent it out to a trusted friend. Call up your brother. If you need to cry, then let it all out. Supressing your emotions only does more harm than good. Trust me on this. You truly need to just let things out sometimes. And I know what you mean about not ranting about your problems to your friends too much. But you know what, sometimes it's better that they know what you're going through. Even if you don't feel as close to them, in reality, your friends are your friends. They will be there for you no matter what. No matter how many guys come and go out of our lives, are true friends will always be there. Lean on them when you need to, and allow them to lean on you, vice versa.


About your parents, I know what you mean about not talking to your parents are much. Try to talk to them. Let them vent as well. Everyone's got their own stress in their lives. When we share each other's stresses, we realize that we're not the only ones who are stressed out, or burned out with life. After you vent out your emotions, find things that you love to do, and things that help to keep you feeling young.


Find some kind of activity that will allow you to replenish your energy. I think that no matter what, life isn't stagnant. There will always be something that doesn't go the way we plan them to be. Life will always be in constant change. People often don't like change. But, it's mostly their attitude that helps them to cope with stress. Remember: Motivation and Determination are important to test your attitude and outlook in life. I know that sometimes we lose hope in things, but no matter what, it's good to keep in touch with what we want, what our goals are, so that we don't feel lost in the end.


About the LDR, take every challenge as it comes. If anything, allow him to do the driving. Once in a while, you can trade off. Hang in there.-Mahlina

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When i'm super stressed, i talk to my best friend or go out or exercise or write in my journal. You should try some of these things and find things that help you get your stress out of your system. The worst thing you can do is let it build up inside you. I also come on here and read about what other people are going through. I've noticed that helping others really helps me in the process.


I'm sorry that you're going through a rough time right now. Hang in there!

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