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Business Cards?


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It depends on the context you are meeting her in. If you meet her at a conference, and it is obvious that there is attraction and its not just business - yes, a card is good.However, when you meet a woman in a strictly social setting, a card has two negatives. Firstly, it could send the mixed message that you are scoping her out as a business prospect and are the type of sales person, etc, to act flirty towards everyone to smooth them over. Or if she thinks you are a jerk, she knows where you work and can tell people to avoid the business. If you get her number, she doesn't call you and then you mistake her for a business contact.


I once had a guy try to meet me. He actually did give me his business card. We met at a yard sale and I was buying some very hobbyist related things and he did something related to that. He sort of stumbled and fumbled and his friend kept loudly encouraging him to give me his card as a cheerleader. I sort of didn't fully know if it was a case of someone who was nervous about promoting themselves or was interested in me. By some things that were said later, I later realized he had been trying to pick me up, but I was really dense. But it did only sort of create a situation where I wouldn't call him unless I needed to use his business because I didn't have anything else to relate on.


Anyway - so I am in the camp of not giving her a card. The only possible way is if you are nervous it would be too creepy to ask her number and think that if you tried to have a business relationship you would try to get to know her better....but I don't know . it does provide an easy out if you decide it was a mistake - you can pass it off as you were just being friendly.

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Yeah I think it's fine to give out business cards.


It's probably easier then fluffing around looking for pens and paper to scribble your number on. Then she has the comfort that she can call you if she's interested. I know there are some women who are asked for their number and they don't really want to give it out, but feel as tho they have too. It's like they are kinda put on the spot. So doing it your way def has pros to it.

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Unless youre in a business setting and I needed to hire you, than i dont want your business card. Its just weird. You should be asking for the girls number, not asking for her to call you.

Maybe its my paranoia talking but I wouldnt give my card to someone I just met that i have no business interest in. I wouldnt want them knowing all my work info.

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I dont think that you will be successful with that approach. You are simply putting it off on her to contact you. Generally, women dont seem to do that, although there are some exceptions. In a general sense I think you are limiting yourself automatically because few if any girls would initiate the conversation. I find it better to be proactive rather than reactive.


Go through the motions, get her number and call/text to see if she wants to go out. If she doesnt then move on.

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Well, I live in Los Angeles. It's a BUSINESS setting everywhere you should go. It's all about networking. I work as a small time artist manager as well as some small bookings and video promotion. It comes off natural. Most of the time the conversation will come up as "what do you do?" and I usually hand my card over.

This time I wanted to really get her number but I chickened out with the "classic" approach. I met this girl at a film shoot my buddy is doing and since as was his "runner" she needed to get a ride home. Well, we got talking and we both have very similar tastes of music. Then she mentioned how she is working on a musical project. That's when I told her more about me and at the end I gave her my card and told to her we should "connect" sometime and talk music.

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It's common practice for professionals to give out their business cards when meeting new people. Usually when I meet someone new they will give me their card. Im not on the dating scene though so it's plutonic.


I rarely give mine out outside of work though, for my own privacy. I dOnt want any stalkers embaraasing me at work.

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In the situation you gave her your business card, it was probably okay. You met in a business setting, you talked for quite a while on a personal level, etc. In general, I agree using a business card isn't a good idea. Although maybe it's better than normal in your circumstance, given your industry. In my dating days I always asked for her number. Asking for her number clearly shows your interest. And even in our modern, enlightened society, and even if she was moderately interested or more, not many women will feel comfortable calling a guy for a first date. That's your job, bumpy.

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The answer is NO! It just shows your lack of confidence by giving out a business card and you pretty much have no chance because girls will rarely call the guy. On a rare occasion when they do call the guy, it is because they began persuing you before you persued them. Any man can give his business card but it takes a certain level of confidence to get a girls number and they know it.


I'll tell you what I do which usually works very well for me. But only do this if you actually feel like the girl is into you because if she isn't then it won't work. I usually have a receipt of something in my wallet and when I let her know I have to get going I say "We should really take some steps to continue this conversation for another time" then I'll pull out the receipt, my pen and turn the receipt to the blank side and give it to her. She'll either follow where you are going with that and give you her number or she'll say something like "What? My phone number?" to which I would reply with a laugh and a small smile "Duh!". This will take some pressure off of you to directly ask her for her number. You could still get rejected but it's better approach then just going up to her and asking her number. Now I'll be honest, it took sometime for me to work the nerve up to do it but once I did, it worked about 7 out of 10 times. So keep practicing because it will take work.




And please for the love of god get the whole business card thing out of your mind. It's tacky and it needs to stay for when you have to give them to a client and not a girl....

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