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hurtful friends


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Hi, I like to hear if anyone else goes through this too. I'm 19 and am gay and have aspergers. I'm a real caring, easy going guy, and I'm not that bad looking. I moved out of my parents house a few months ago, I'm living with a nice older couple. Although we would get on each other nervous once in a while, I do miss having them around. There actually thinking about moving to India next year, I'm really hoping they won't.


I have always have a harder time making friends. After I moved out of my parents, I joined a couple of dating sites. Haha I've read a lot comments on this site about dating sites not being that great. It's been good and bad. I have got quite few messages. I've actually got to meet a couple of them, mostly for just new friends. They were all very nice and I had a great time with them. Some of them I still talk too. Then I have some who just stop talking to me. It's very hurtful. Cause it seems like we had a good time. There's no lack of conversation or anything. They even plan on meeting me again, and then I just lose touch with them. I know they probably just think I'm stupid or something. I try to be the best person I can be, but it just makes me feel like I'm not good enough to have a friendship with them.


Well I love my job. I have a lot of nice friends there. And I look for activities around the community. I found a ultimate frisbee group that I'm enjoying! It would just be nice to be able to keep my friendships with these people. I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but it really does sometimes. If they would just get to know me, like my friends at work, maybe it would work out.

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You have to let go of people who have let go of you. Friendships are built on mutual respect and shared beliefs. In otherwords, it simply cannot be forced.


It is best to learn to practice self-reliance. Not only will you feel better, but you will look better to your friends and people in general, therefore, radiating a sense of independence that people seems to find very attractive and may start actively seeking your company.

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