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So...After Two Break Ups, We're Back Together Again.


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I should have listened to this advice before.


Now we are broken up again.


Remember that you wrote this. It takes time and change to fix something broken. Usually it's not possible at all. Just take care of yourself and worry about yourself. You'll be ok.

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Remember that you wrote this. It takes time and change to fix something broken. Usually it's not possible at all. Just take care of yourself and worry about yourself. You'll be ok.


You definitely sound wise beyond your years, Snowy. Enjoy your youth! In my personal opinion if it was bad enough to break up once it usually doesn't work the second, third, fourth time around.


Good luck to you!


Thank you guys.


I've realized that I can't change her for who she is. Only she can change herself but that's very unlikely due to her over-inflated ego, and her unwillingness to accept that she has made mistakes.

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