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Runny Nose In The Morning/Night

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Since the past 2 weeks, I've been getting a runny nose every morning. It usually stops after 8am when it's a bit warmer.


Sometimes during the middle of the day, I would get random fits of sneezing and runny nose.


In the evening when the sun goes down and the temperature drops, my runny nose would start again.


I don't think I have a cold because I've caught a cold just a few months ago and I've recovered.


I suspect it's an allergy.


Anyone else got this? Anyone got some tips on how to cure this?

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I agree that it could be an allergy. If it's not too debilitating, there are plenty of over-the-counter medications you can take, like claratyne or phenergan, that are extremely effective. Or there are also natural remedies, but I'm not sure how effective they are.

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Thanks guys.


I went to see my doctor today and he said it's nothing major. Just the common hayfever.


He prescribed me a nasal spray that clears the nose and relieves the runny nose.


Weird thing is, I've never had hayfever before in my life.

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