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Lust Or Love?

metal angel

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I have been with my current boyfriend for almost 10 months. He has begun to act needy and immature. He ignores me, knowing full well it winds me up. Despite these flaws I do love him a lot, problem is my close friend.

I met my friend just over a year ago at a festival and we live about 100 miles apart. We have never lost communication or touch and during the five days at the festival we were very close and for a while afterward we had some explict conversations over email. However we drifted and found other halves.

Recently we met up with other friends we had met that year too and everyone commented on what a great couple we would be together. We barely touched as the sexual tension was so high. He had been having some problems with his fiance as I have with my current boyfriend.

Now all we can think about is each other and we speak to each other several times a day behind our partners backs. We are wondering wether we should sleep together once, to see if it is just lust. then we can move on. What should I Do?

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You shouldn't cheat. He has a fiance and you have a BF. If your current relationship isn't working for you anymore, then leave. Ditto for your friend. Sleeping together once isn't going to make anything any better. You know that. You and your friend should do the right thing and break up with your SO's, or forget it.


Do you really want to do that to your current partner? Do you really want to start a potential relationship with your friend based on cheating? I hope your answer is no.

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I dont want to cheat, but it was so weird seeing him for the first time in a year. We are so good together and I know I cant have my cake and eat it. I love my current bf so much but after seeing my friend nothing he seems to do can satisfy me and my friend is always on my mind. My friend has said that all he can think about is me and his fiance is a cheat anyway.


I just dont know what to do about them both

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Life is all about our choices.....and sometimes the right thing to do isn't easy.


oldenoughtoknow is right.....if you cheat, you'll ruin two relationships and a potential relationship with this friend.


As for the fiance cheating....well, two wrongs don't make a right, as they say, and it shouldn't be used as a justification. It's got nothing to do with your bf anyway!


If you are having doubts about your relationship, then do the right thing and make a clean break; without putting yourself into the position of being a cheater.

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I understand that. I think what i need is a break from him. He is in my face constantly all the time. How do I tell him this is what I need??


I would think very carefully about the reasons why you want to go on a break with your bf.


If it's only to hook up with your friend, to find out whether it's lust or love, then you are still going to damage your relationship if you decide to get back with your bf. I mean, 'technically' you wont be cheating because you're on a break. It would also mean that your friend would have to do the same with his fiance.


And after all that, if it doesn't work out, will your ex's even want you back?


If there are problems in the relationship, the first thing to do is discuss these with your bf and see if you can work through these together. If this doesn't work, only then should you consider a break/breakup.

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