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I really need some financial advice, I feel stuck

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I'm 25 years old and still live at home. Recently I went on an overseas trip to America and I plan on going back later this year to live there.

The problem is that I have no money and I can't find a full time job anywhere.

I have applied for a working visa but I don't see this as an option because you need 4,000 in your bank account, as well as money for the flight which isn't such an issue, I can afford that.


I'm so unhappy with my life right now, there's always drama and conflict going on at home. My sister is always trying to kill herself and it's just hysteria all the time. I want peace and quiet, I know that if I move out and live overseas that I'd be living my dream, I would have the best time.


How can I make this achievable?


I am working a casual job but it's only $200 a week which is enough to pay part of rent, food, bills, credit card etc.


Grrrrrr I just want to move away and start my life but money is holding me back!

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America and I plan on going back later this year to live there.

There's a LOT more to simply moving to the USA and living there. You have to go through all the right channels, all the red tape, get all the requirements and paperwork in order, and only once they actually approve, can you get in and live there. Have you done all the research on this yet and do you have all the requirements? If not, it won't be too easy to get in.

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I have all the paperwork ready and I have been approved.

Wow, that's awesome. How did you manage it all so quickly? I know several people who have been on the "waiting list", so to speak, for a couple of years now and it's costing them a fortune just trying to keep up with all the requirements and endless requests for more paperwork etc.

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If this really is your dream, you just need to save every single penny towards it. No unnecessary coffee, no going out with friends (go round to their house or have them over? Meet in a park and go for a walk?) and no snacks at work. Make sure you're taking foods for your breaks with you. Don't buy any clothes. Nothing. At the end of every week, move anything left over into a savings account, it can be your dream. Even if it only grows by $10 a week, you know it is getting you one step closer.


Is there anything you can sell on ebay? You won't want to take much stuff with you anyway. Get all your CDs listed on Amazon, anything you can see on ebay. Do a car boot / table top sale with whatever is left.


It sounds like a change would be really good for. If you've already got the airfare saved up, and need $4000 dollars, you can do it. You just need to be really really strict with your spending. It will be worth it in the long run. Keep applying for full-time jobs, and maybe see if you can get a second job to fit around your first. Bar work? Cleaning offices? It doesn't matter what it is as long as you get some extra money to make your dream come true. And a few extra hours out of that mad-house would probably be good for you as well!


Only YOU can make this happen. Don't be one of those people who just talks about having dreams. Go out and make them happen! Good luck.

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^ Agreed with above poster. You just have to knuckle down and save as much as you can, make as much money as any opportunity provides, even if it means getting a second job or not buying that extra coffee, etc. You're living at home so it's a perfect opportunity to save up as much as you can. I know it is possible because last year I was like you - had no savings, a crappy casual job, and yet I saved up enough to go and live in New Zealand for a year It took me a long time and it was a lot of hard work having to be so stingy with my money, but if you put your mind to it, you can do it.

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Everyone's given good advice here.


The crucial and first thing is get a second job. In terms of work, take anything and look for jobs that either have a high turn over rate or work bad, unsociable hours.I used to work nights doing nightfill at a local store. It sucked because I missed out on going out with friends and worked most weekends. Most people do not want these types of jobs and there is a high demand for hard working people who aren't too choosy about their rosters. Retail jobs that work nights and weekends are good, as are hospitality jobs (you have an advantage being female in this regard) or even call centre jobs. If you are interested, hand in your resume in person to local bars and pubs - most of these sorts of places do a lot of hiring on the spot and as long as you are presentable, if there is a position they'll invite you for a trial.


Once you get some more work sorted out, you'll require alot of discipline with your spending. Saving is alot like dieting and you can easily fall off the wagon if you are constantly not on top of your spending. Always have your main goal in mind whenever you consider spending any money. Do you really need this or is this purely a want? If I go out do I need to spend alot of money or can I have one or two drinks and drive? Little things add up and don't waste even $1 on anything you don't NEED - your daily coffee or chocolate bar, the couple of beers you might have on the weekend at the pub with friends or that pair of nice jeans that's on sale.


Oh, and if you haven't done already - set up a separate online bank account. Alot of banks have them, they are easy to set up and they tend to have a much higher amount of interest if you are only making deposits and no withdrawals. Set up a realistic base amount that you will deposit automatically weekly in to this account. Then, whatever is left over at the end of the paid week - deposit it into your other account. It doesn't matter if it's 20 dollars or 100 dollars.


I managed to save about $1000 a month for my big trip when I was working in a crappy retail job for my big trip by being intensely disciplined with my money, by sacrificing any luxuries that I spent on myself and by reminding myself of my ultimate goal whenever I felt down working a crappy job on a friday or saturday night. $4000 dollars isn't that much once you sort out some more work and it's all worth it believe me.

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Yes, get a second job, or look for one that pays better. And don't eat out at all, bag your lunch, and don't spend any money at all. Just work and home again. If it's really important to you, you can do it. Saving money does require sacrifice, so if it's important to you, you need to get a better job or work double jobs until you have the money saved up.

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Hippy - unemployment in the US is realistically closer to 15% that the 9% that is reported. Any available job will be given to an American over someone on a short-term work visa. And Americans are REALLY hurting. This isn't the time you move here as a foreigner to get a job. Unless you're illegal and can do gardening.


I know this is really about your internet friend, but remember - he has told you you can't stay with him, and has not posed a shred of interest in dating you if you were here.


I think it would be wisest to let that fantasy go for now, and focus on getting a job where you are, and moving out on your own and creating your dream life in your own backyard.


Never forget - your problems travel with you. Moving to the US won't be living a dream. It will be your same life, just in a different hemisphere.


And in the US, you can't live on $200 a week.

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