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HELP! Broke NC after two months to get my stuff- now ex wants to talk

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OMG!! So been BU for two months and for almost all the time I was NC. I was soooooooooo hurt that he left me that I could not even bring myself to beg or talk to him. It took me this long to finally ask for my things back. I wrote him and said that I am sending someone for my stuff. I have been so focused on NC that I don't even want to get it myself.


He wrote back is it possible for you and I to meet instead of sending a stranger to my house to get your stuff. The he wrote plus I really want to talk to you.....Talk to me? About what?


Should I go meet him?

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Ask yourself if you are ready for talking to him, let alone physically being in his presence. If you are getting so worked up over breaking NC, i imagine talking or seeing him in person wouldnt be too easy to deal with. It might give you the closure you need, but like the saying goes, "expect the best but be prepared for the worst". What he wants to say to you could be things you might not want to hear, ask yourself if you are ready to take any news that he might throw at you, good or bad.

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Yes, I am ready to hear good or bad. The reason that he gave me when we first BU did not give me any closure at all. So, if his intensions are to explain why he left so I could get better closure then great. Or if he wants to work on things and felt his decision was a mistake leaving then I will take it from there. I told him I will meet him next weekend.


Wish me luck!

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Be strong.

Even if you are scared to hear the answers, ask all the questions you can, to better understand what happened. He already broke up with you it can't get worse. Say everything you need to say calmly (so as not to scare him off or seem like you cannot live without him). Tell him that you are OK but you simply need to understand so that you can move forward. Do not tell him to F** off, because if that is not want you want you will regret it later.

I think this will help you heal if he is not asking to talk about reconciliation at this point.

Put yourself in ''In I am a mature and classy chick'' frame of mind.

Make sure you have plans with family or friends afterwards so that you can tell them all about it and feel supported.

I truly truly hope it goes the way you wish it to.

Take care and good luck.

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