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So I went to a party where my ex was and am confused

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Some of you may know my situation. Ex who I dated for 1.4 years left me in the beginning of the summer because she didn't know what she wanted anymore, lack of confidence, blah, blah...GIGS maybe? I was a great and giving and loving boyfriend and all that. I tried several times to get her back, but she seemed set. I pointed out to her that she's changed because she had been drinking more, and I was worried about her, but she got defensive and didnt want to hear it, despite my words being caring and true. She then had this belief I was talking poorly of her when I wasn't, and I tried telling her that, but her stubbornness was getting in the way. So she told me to "leave her alone." which I have been.


But anyway last saturday I went to a party where she was attending, and it was held by a mutual friend/colleague of ours. It was in a different city than we were both live, so it was a decent drive. I took my friend and his girlfriend just to have friends that aren't totally mutual with her, as everyone there were pretty much mutual to both of us.


But when we arrived at the party, I instantly spotted her and felt kind of nervous, but played it off pretty well as I interacted with everyone else there. I didnt look at her or anything when I first walked in, and I could tell she was being more secluded when i arrived. But about 20 minutes of me being there, we both were in the kitchen at the same time, and so I just decided to confront her. I complimented her on looking nice and she did the same to me. She gave a slight tease and said "I'm kinda upset you said hey to everyone else except for me." And we exchanged a few more words before I went off on my way. All throughout the night, I was interacted with friends from college, but there was a time when me and my friend's girlfriend walked out to the front of the house to talk alone. I had a bit to drink but I was still in control. I just became a bit more open with what was on my mind, and me and I was explaining to my friend's girlfriend how much my ex means to me and all that. Basically i was saying everything completely opposite of what my ex thought I was saying (talking poorly of her). My friend tried to point out that my ex was sitting on the porch, and was listening to everything i was saying, but I didn't care. I kept going. Then it went to me talking about being successful and how my name is going to be known. My ex announced my full name in confident praise as an agreement to my statement from the porch.


But after that, me and my friend walked back inside from the porch which allowed me to catch a glimpse of my ex supporting her friend who had too much to drink. I announced to everyone we were heading out, and so i started saying goodbyes when suddenly my ex came behind me and started rubbing my back softly and affectionately. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to play it cool and not think much of it. So as me and my two friends were walking out to the car, I saw my ex sitting on her car outside by herself. She looked a bit sad, so I walked up to her and asked her what was wrong, and she said she didn't feel good. Suddenly she dropped down and gave me a hug, and we exchanged goodbyes and I was off.


Not even 15 minutes after i had left the party, she texted me saying "I wish I would have gone back with you, I feel like hell." I told her i would have taken her home but she was staying the night anyway with her friend and she drove herself up there anyway. I didn't get a response until about three hours later, which was 4:30 AM where I noticed she called me. I missed the call.



Next day I text her and ask her if she called me, and she said she didnt remember. Another friend we both shared told me that after i had left, she started drinking more and threw up a few times. Maybe after I had left, it had effected her? I'm so confused. Does it sound like she still has feelings?


What do you guys think?

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