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Ladies: Play with breasts or not.


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In a relationship for 6 weeks and I she doesn't give me much feed back.


I love breasts, I love how they look, how they move, how they jiggle, I love playing with them squeezing them etc.. I like spending usually 5-10 minutes doing everything except pinching or biting (don't like causing pain). I like all type of breasts and nipples, small medium and large (as long as they are natural).


I really enjoy doing it but, I want to know does this do anything for girls? My current gf says nothing while other girls have said they can orgasm from it?


So do women enjoy it?


How can I tell if she is NOT enjoying it?



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Well, I know it really rocks my world..but my flatmate from years back hated it because she said that she was so sensitive that any stimulation hurt her.


Perhaps the best thing to do is just ask her if she likes what you do.....

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That is the problem, I have asked her and she gives no feedback. Its like that about everything, breasts, oral everything. I am just going by what has worked with previous girls, I have no direction.


If I keep pushing for an answer she always says "yes that feels good" but it is very unconvincing.

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the bigger the boobs the more you have to work them. small breats can be very sensitive. i really love attention given to my breasts. but everyone is different. its always best to communicate with your partner. instead of asking her "do you like this?" (to which you always have to say YES) ask instead, do you prefer this or this? and do 2 different things. turn it into a game. some people are easier to get feedback from than others. just keep trying. and dont ask in an accusatory way.

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Its different for every woman, but I can see how it would be frustrating if she doesn't give you proper feed back. Maybe sit her down and ask her what she likes sexually. Tell her your likes, how you want to please her and make the experience the most enjoyable for her, so if she can be open about what she likes and wants then you can work your best to please her. Some woman are shy with these things....maybe that is the issue.


For me personally, breast play is VERY powerful. For some woman maybe not so much.

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While I definitely do not climax from breast stimulation, I do enjoy it.


My girlfriend on the other hand, she goes crazy when there is breast play involved. Im convinced that if she let me focus on her breast without flipping me over and taking charge, she would climax LOL. So as others have indicated, everyone is different.

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That is the problem, I have asked her and she gives no feedback. Its like that about everything, breasts, oral everything. I am just going by what has worked with previous girls, I have no direction.


If I keep pushing for an answer she always says "yes that feels good" but it is very unconvincing.


Well, to put it a bit crudely, then it's not really your problem if she likes it or not. If she doesn't communicate about her likes and dislikes, it's impossible for you to know how to really please her, and that's her responsibility, not yours. Maybe you should try to say that to her, because I sense this becoming a bigger problem in the long term if it isn't addressed. I'm sorry you're in this situation because it's really not fair on you.


As for me, I don't go crazy about it but definitely enjoy it. But that's just one data point, as has already been said everyone is different.


Boobs. I salute thee


This so made me laugh out loud.

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I think part of the reason why she is poor at communicating is because she doesn't want to hurt my feelings since the relationship is still young.


however, just by reading other's responses it makes me more confident that I am not doing it just for my own pleasure and that she actually enjoys it too.


thanks everybody.

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