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i want my angel back

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I meet my ex gf one year ago and until two weeks ago we spent every day from morning to night together. She went on vacation with her family and did not call me all week, so i thought she might be mad at me. When she got back she called. I asked her why she didnt call me all week and she replyed she didnt want to call me from another guys cell phone, right then i new we were going to have "the talk'' i didnt know what to say so in anger "i said thats cool bye". I left work and called her back about 30 mins later still a mess and asked her if i could come see her. I drove to the appartments were she lives and she got in my car and said she has been doing alot of thinking and she wanted to break up. i couldnt believe it for one year all she would say is how cute i am and how much she needed me. She said I was to controling and she it has nothing to do with anyone else she meet whil on vacation, and she still wanted to friends because she didnt want to loose me completely. I tried to beg her three times after the break up to give me another chance which i now now is a mistake from all the post i have read. The last time i saw her 2 days ago she said she thinks we bolth need time before we can be friends and she did meet another kid on vacation in our area 'south boston' in my sadness i asked her if that did not work out would she give me another cahnce and she replyed yes. I asked her to keep a picture of me with a poem on the back about missing her now we havent talked for two days.


NOW FOR MY QUIESTIONS i was just wondering if anyone had some suggestions on how i could make my angel see how much i need her? how long i should wait before i approach her or call her again,or if i even should? and if i should try to just be friends so we dont loose touch incase she will give me another if things dont wok out between her new man? I really love this girl so much and i'm just looking for some advise or past experences thanks for your help.


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How much you need her is the first part of your question, in your last paragraph. Guess what, this is not the way to get her back. It's about your feelings. If you want to get her back, you need to think about HER feelings. Maybe that's why you got dumped. When did you think about how she felt?

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Hi bud, sorry to hear about your situation. I have three things for you to think about.


1.) If you have spent every minute of every day together for a year, you may want to take a break, even if you don't feel like it right now. It puts a big stress on a relationship to do that (believe me I HAVE BEEN THERE). Take some time and get yourself together. Do the No Contact thing for a week or two before you even think of calling her or emailing her. She needs to know what it means if she wants her "space". She may find that she does not like it.


2.) Think about her and what she did. Does it not make you angry that she went on vacation and she found another guy? What does this say about her? Is this why she was with you "every minute of every day", because you couldn't trust her to let her out of your site?


3.) DO NOT, under any circumstances, let her see you cry, be upset, or be an emotional wreck. Women do NOT respect this (though they may tell you otherwise) so avoid this behavior like the plauge. Do not beg her to come back again, do not write her any poems, or sing her songs. It makes you seem pathetic and gives her WAY too much control.


Hope that helps. Don't give up on her, just give her a bit of space and see if she comes back. It will be the hardest thing you will ever do, but if you want her back, you have to do it right.


Keep your chin up man!

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