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Ok, I belong on Seinfeld...

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**Please refer to my other posts for background...wouldn't want to bore you with a novel or anything.


I am now wondering if I have been "broken up" with and not even know it. I mean, when I wrote him that email last week asking him if he's still interested or not. He never answered that question...just said that he still wanted to talk cause he had concerns. Then,


when he picked me up and I said perhaps we should talk before dinner cause I don't want to talk about stuff over dinner and he said that his place was "too messy". So he didn't want to go there and it's never been an issue before. So he didn't want me there obviously. AND he brought me back my three catalogs that I had left at his house (clothing catalogs)like I was never going to be at his house again. AND when I got out of the car, he didn't say we'd see each other again or call again just that he was going to a wedding this weekend.


Could I have missed the break up somehow? I just want to know what's going on so I can have some closure. It's just hanging out there. But then why ask me all that stuff over dinner and then why ask me what I wanted to do after dinner and then end up back at his place. This isn't fair. If we ARE finished or whatever fine with me but it would be nice to know on my end.


Then there's that whole Mars Venus crap where they say the men go into their caves and stuff when they have to think about things and not to contact them at all. Ugh! Any thoughts??

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You know what, I'd just confront the coward about this. Tell him that if he's not interested to continue seeing and giving you a logical reason why, to at least have the grace to tell you so. Tell him to please not flatter himself that he's so great you would go psycho on him if it's over - you'd just appreciate it if like a normal person who knows how to communicate he'd be a little more forthcoming.


This is ridiculous, you don't need to put up with crap like this.


And Day-Walker, if me and every female had a nickel for each time some guy told us to "stop over-analyzing everything", we'd own the world. What else is she supposed to do when he doesn't even have the courage to own up to her that it's over (if it is)? Come on, what's happened to guys these days...it's like they can't take any responsibility at all for their actions and just try to fade out of the picture. Whatever happened to character and basic human decency???


Sorry, had to vent. I've had experiences like this myself, and it's just not right.

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"Stop Over Analyzing and move on" has been said one thousand times by people who are not in the situation. And your advice is good but I did that last week or so I thought. I asked him straight out if he was still interested and if he wasn't pls let me know cause it would make it easier for both of us. I think that couldn't have been more straight forward. Now, I won't be devastated over this so-called relationship but it does make me very uncomfortable not knowing exactly what the heck is going on. I, personally, haven't stopped my life and I have a date next Tueday eve but I noticed HE hasn't been on the personal site in two months...Now, granted, I was a tad aloof in the beginning for self preservation but if this is his game now as soon as I show some interest....he better reactivate his profile cause I'm done.

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