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6 months plus post BU.

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It's been 6+ months post my BU and doing a better, but I still have my moments. I've tried to keep NC, but my ex tries to contact me. I ignore the txts, calls and emails. It's tough not replying but I know it's best for me. Like I said earlier I still have my moments and this coming 4th is pretty tough. A year ago we went on a vacation to Yosemite and it's hard to think how much things have changed in 12 months. I'm gonna be working part of this weekend and then skydiving the rest. So trying to keep myself busy. Is it still normal to get sad and a bit lonely.


What really got to me the other day was when a mutual friend mentioned that my ex and his gf moved out of state a few weeks ago and he's basically getting a free ride. The girls parents are paying everything for them: they provided a house for them, taking over his car payments, his car insurance. I mean he has nothing to worry about. I know it sounds petty, and immature for it to bug me, but it does. It makes me feel like good guys/girls really do finish last. I never cheated on any of my exs, yet it seems if you cheat, lie and act like a douche bag you seem to get ahead. If you're honest, loyal and overall nice person you get s*&t on. Anyone ever felt like this and how did you get over it? Any words of wisdom would help. I just wish I was at the stage where nothing would bug me about my ex. I really wish I could look at them and be like 'thank god she has to deal w him now'.

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I'm sad to hear that 6 mo out and the hurt is still there. I understand your feeling about the good people finish last idea, but im sure if you look around, you'll see plenty of good people living happy lives.

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