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How do I take it up a notch?

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Hey guys/gals. Well, to make a horrendously long story short, I like this girl . I just moved out of state to where she lives, and since we first met she was very friendly to me. I met her because my dad knows her dad and our families are friends. I've been to her house, shes been to mine, we go to the same school. I know her parents pretty well, she knows mine, blah blah blah. Anyways, im pretty sure she considers me as a friend. She talks to me every day, and she called to ask about homework and if I liked the new school. Come to think of it, I see her almost every day. I see her at church, and we both go to sunday school(She gave me a ride home, we live in the same neighborhood) She asked if I wanted to go with her to get our drivers permits but I dont think im ready yet (I'm only 15). Wow, I think I talked too much. To get to the point, what exactly do I do now? Should I just continue to talk to her and see how things go? I really like her, and I dont wanna screw anything up. Any advice is welcome, and thanks in advance.

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