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This is extremely embarrassing but i have a problem

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Okay well I've been really worried because 2 weeks ago I thought I had my period but then it only lasted a day which is completely unlike my usual cycle, it always lasted about 5 days. Now today again I got this bleeding, it was really light and so I don't think it could be my period.


I dont think this is related but a month ago I had sex but the guy used the pulling out method. I was worried the first time i got this bit of bleeding so i did a pregnancy test, it was negative so I am not pregnant.


I'm too scared to tell my mother because she already suspects im having sex and i dont want her to know about my private business. I'm just concerned it could be cervical cancer


Has anyone else had this irregular bleeding?

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mouse is right, pull out method is the worst you can do, pre-cum also can get you pregnant, what you had two weeks ago could have been implantationbleeding, you need to go to the doctor or take a test, you could be pregnant, not saying you are and don't want to scare you but you may very well be.....

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You're describing "spotting" which can happen between periods. It can be a symptom of a number of issues from pregnancy to uterine cancer. Or it could be nothing. But you definitely want to get it checked out.


The best way to address it would be to go in for a pap smear and pelvic exam. You shouldn't be afraid to ask your Mom to take you to an appointment because it could be unrelated to sex. But if it's important to you that she not find out then see if there's a local clinic that will take you by yourself on a sliding scale basis. You can also ask the doctor for a birth control prescription which is much better than relying on the withdrawal method as others have pointed out.



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I agree, yearly pap smears are a woman's responsibility whether they are having sex or not. Spotting happens to every woman at some time. You could be pregnant or it could be noting. If you are not using birth control do not have sex unless you are willing to be a parent.

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